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Thread: C02 : How long to leave in gun unused

  1. #1
    Markxman Guest

    C02 : How long to leave in gun unused

    How long would it be safe to leave a co2 cartridge in a crossman 2250 before it compessed the seal beyond use, or would it be advisable to discharge whatever may be left of the cartridge at the end of a session as I do with my R.W.S c2225 as I left one in it for months which compressed the seal to the extent that when I put fresh co2 into the gun it emptied itself all over my hand and was bloody cold.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Markxman
    How long would it be safe to leave a co2 cartridge in a crossman 2250 before it compessed the seal beyond use
    No time.....use it or discharge WILL wreck your seals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    The Grim North (Durham)
    The experts on the Crosman forum say that you're OK leaving it charged for no more than 48 hours. (

  4. #4
    D R Guest

    How long would it be safe to leave a co2 cartridge in a crossman 2250 before it compessed the seal beyond use
    Forever and ever! Don't worry about it!
    D R

  5. #5
    Markxman Guest
    Mmmmmmmm.... two differing opinions and each one totally the opposite to the other, I think I will err on the side of caution for the moment and go with what the crossman boys reccomend. Thank y'all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Cambridge UK


    I always empty the cylinder and remove it from the pistol after a session. I have not had a seal problem yet but it is better safe than sorry.
    Cheers, Phil

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Do NOT leave the CO2 Capsule in it when not in use.
    Simple enough?

    Why would you want to do so, apart from saving a few pence on gas...of course you soon have to shell out for new seals thanks to your 'cunning money saving scheme'.
    Disclaimer: I am a compulsive liar, and a dreamer. Anything that I post here, in the past, present or future are total lies, fictional or dreams that I have had.

    Look Left>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I flipping said left!

  8. #8
    _NPR_ Guest
    Can anyone advise how long I should/can leave the Co2 in my QB78? I didnt realise I had to empty it after shooting etc, thats gonna get pretty expensive as I like to take a few pot shots here and then at the start or end of my day in my garden at a pellet trap..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Weston-s-mare U.K.

    how long

    How long for a ratty then...This is a new one on me,no one says ever how long you sould leave the cylinder in.Hows the King ratty ,the one with the big cylinder as a butt get on with this,same sort of seals.If this is so,then why dont crossman let you know about it,just a thought or am I getting the wronge end of the stick,am very intrested,cheers....Andy

  10. #10
    AdrianAdrian Guest
    Yes, i thought that too.

    And what if you are using paint ball bottles (E.g. like Steve D 19/01/06)


  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Weston-s-mare U.K.

    how long

    Me thinks,,,,a can of worms here,,come on Crossman what gives ,your loyal subjects have to know...cheers nen..Andy..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Russell
    I always empty the cylinder and remove it from the pistol after a session. I have not had a seal problem yet but it is better safe than sorry.
    Cheers, Phil
    I do this too but I was wondering if the sudden venting of FREEZING cold gas (bbbbrrrrr ) would do anything bad to the gun?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    One point of note though, it's illegal to transport a charged CO2 gun, or so someone on here was saying a while ago. My slightly modded ratty leaks, so mine only last an hour anyway.

    In the beginning there was nothing, and it blew up.
    Leupy'd .22 Stealth, Weihrauch HW97 & 3-9x50, Modified Crosman Ratcatcher & AGS 4x40

  14. #14
    Markxman Guest
    Does anyone on here know where in the u.k I can get the large containers of c02 the ones that all the Americans and the likes of Crooked barn boys have on their guns also does any one in the u.k sell all the gadgets and gizmo's like Crooked barn ???

  15. #15
    Old-gun Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ayjay
    One point of note though, it's illegal to transport a charged CO2 gun, or so someone on here was saying a while ago. My slightly modded ratty leaks, so mine only last an hour anyway.

    cobblers ,
    its ilegal to transport a gun with a pellet in the breach .
    all pcp guns are charged all the time , so no different for leaving a co2 cylinder in ,

    and it's best with a QB rifle to leave a cylinder in the gun , but run it out enough so that the pellet drops way down from zero so the gas pressure is very low , that way it will keep the seals a close fit against the seat , but not so much pressure as to compress it ,mine has been this way for about a year now , and all is well ,just remember to dry fire untill empty when you want to put a new cylinder in ,,

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