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Thread: law on large calaber air rifles

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quebec City
    Using one of these pellets, a 9mm round from a 6 ft/lbs pistol would be travelling at roughly 187 feet per second - about the same as your average springer airsoft pistol, but with a much better ballistic co-efficient.

    It would probably be a realstic possibility for close (below 20 feet) range ratting. Then again, using a 20 grain 0.25" pellet at about 365 feet per second sounds like a better compromise.

  2. #32
    draftsmann Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by nasha
    thanks for the help if you offered any ! and ******** to any one that did not .
    my spelling is due to Dyslexia.
    so thanks for pointing that out and if we ever meet you can garrntee that i will point out your nose is bleeding .
    im glad this foprum is here just to keep you penises togeather and of other forums .
    I had a feeling this ill-mannered daydreaming juvenile would come out with the "dyslexia" excuse sooner or later.

    There are plenty of dyslexic people out there who have the self-respect, and courtesy for others, to use a spell-checker in order to write intelligibly. Those people are deserving of respect. Little wаnkers like you, on the other hand, are not.


  3. #33
    nasha Guest
    IM JUVINILE !! nice email addy big guy (pig sticker ) i bet every one is terafied of you i know i am ..

    i dont see where i whinned at allm, i offered the thread up as an option if some of you would like to look back over my post you will see with in the first few posts i actualy said ok the 9mm was a bad idea !!

    as for comments about my dyslexia who the hell are you to talk of somthing you know nothing about !!
    i realy think you are the one who should be ashamed not me ..

    look i realy dont care much what you guys think if your the ones slating me ..
    one thing i can tell you is that you would not talk to me like this if it was face to face and you know it ..

    all the best .

    for the record im 29 well over puperty and more than capable of thinking clearly .
    when i see posts that tern out like this one i just ignore them. shame some of you could not aswell ..
    alot of you just see there is a chance to be abusive (but have nothing new to post so just will post your poison)
    my question is why . do you feel better now ?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    A sleepy village Nr Skipton, a bit like Royston Va
    Nasha, the problem is being polite or the lack of it in your case.

    One of your first replies in this thread:

    !i dont understand the constant dick wad attitude on here !!
    this is an air gun forum is it not ?
    this is and air gun related topic?
    i am asking lagitamet questions am i not ?"

    Not winning any friends there are we. Then came the second not so friendly reply:

    Quote Originally Posted by nasha
    thanks for the help if you offered any ! and ******** to any one that did not .
    my spelling is due to Dyslexia.
    so thanks for pointing that out and if we ever meet you can garrntee that i will point out your nose is bleeding .
    im glad this foprum is here just to keep you penises togeather and of other forums .
    You know mate, if you had posted the last reply without the" and ******** to any one that did not", we would still helped, but no! You had to follow up with a threat and then an insult "so thanks for pointing that out and if we ever meet you can garrntee that i will point out your nose is bleeding .
    im glad this foprum is here just to keep you penises togeather and of other forums

    Not a good start on the UK's most popular Airgun forum is it.

    Don't slam the door when you leave numpty.
    AA 410k, 3-9X50
    FN19 Hawke, 6-18x44
    AA S200, 6-24X50
    S10, 8-32X50

  5. #35
    Murphy is offline Cooee! Chase me you naughty boys!
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Dick wad.!!!

    It makes me chuckle everytime i hear it!!!
    Are you sure you are 29 ?? Not 9 ??
    Master Debater

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Wigton, Cumbria
    Quote Originally Posted by nasha
    look i realy dont care much what you guys think if your the ones slating me ..
    one thing i can tell you is that you would not talk to me like this if it was face to face and you know it ..
    Yeah right. I'm 6' 5", weigh 18 stone and have a 5th dan black belt in ninjutsu. Oh yeah, and I'm ex SAS. Bring it on!

    BTW, the above is a blatant lie, but it shows how easy it is to play hard man online. Earlier on the in the post you complained about being called juvenile, then you started threatening people who you know nothing about, and will probably never meet. Not the actions of an intelligent adult as you claim to be.

    If you want to leave go ahead, after the way you've behaved I doubt you'll be missed.

    Daystate Merlyn LE (number 22); AA S410; AA TX200; BSA Scorpion; HW40. Plus a couple of them there fowling pieces.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Brilyent use ov the Inglesh landwidch but!!!

  8. #38
    Murphy is offline Cooee! Chase me you naughty boys!
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mickyh
    Brilyent use ov the Inglesh landwidch but!!!
    When i say bo.
    Master Debater

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Errrr, wots a dick wad? innit

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 99CLOMP
    Errrr, wots a dick wad? innit

    Dunno Sounds F*ckin painful though
    "Infa-me! Infa-me! ,They've all got it Infa-me!"

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    RAPTOR MAN,I think I know now, its when you get a stoppie wrong on a raptor and slide into that great big tank,the sling the nice nurse lady puts your pecker in, its called a DICK WAD, good on i,.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 99CLOMP
    RAPTOR MAN,I think I know now, its when you get a stoppie wrong on a raptor and slide into that great big tank,the sling the nice nurse lady puts your pecker in, its called a DICK WAD, good on i,.

    An eye watering experience to say the very least

    Think i'll wear a cricket box in future
    "Infa-me! Infa-me! ,They've all got it Infa-me!"

  13. #43
    Murphy is offline Cooee! Chase me you naughty boys!
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Watch Terminator 2 IIRC John calls him a dick wad.

    Dick wad.!!
    Master Debater

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Murphy
    Watch Terminator 2 IIRC John calls him a dick wad.

    Dick wad.!!

    I believe it was

    "Chill out, dick wad"
    Break your backs and crack your oars men! If you wish to prevail.

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