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Thread: how did this guy get a gun?????

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I think the issue here is not the 'gallows' humour used by those in direct contact with difficult situations, but more the assumption by some that because someone tried to commit suicide they must be a 'tit or muppet'.

    Suicide and men

    Suicide accounts for l in 100 deaths but the majority of those are men. A worrying recent trend is the increasing rate of suicide among younger men (a trend not seen among young women). The majority of these men have not asked for help before their deaths. The suicide rate in men also increases in those aged between 65 and 75 years. In contrast, the suicide rate in women varies less with age.

    The higher suicide rate among men is a worldwide phenomenon. A few exceptions to the general rule exist, for example, among elderly women in Hungary and in some Asian countries. The reasons why men are more likely to kill themselves than women are complex and ill-understood. However, several pointers help our understanding.

    Mental illness

    Research has shown that the vast majority of those who kill themselves are mentally ill at the time of their death. Two thirds are troubled by a depressive illness and 20 per cent by alcoholism.

    Of people with severe depressive illnesses, 10-15 per cent will commit suicide. Paradoxically, as mentioned above, depressive illnesses are more common in women, but suicide is more common in men. Several possible explanations exist for this apparent discrepancy.
    Full article here

  2. #32
    stealth2000 Guest
    I personaly dont think your bro should be disclosing a patients problems with you, that is a total breach of confidentuallity.I think the guy discussed has problems if he thinks he needs to try and take his life. The unsavory and bios opinion that your bro has should have been kept to him self and not discussed with others and most certainlt NOT been posted here.As already stated with others in previous posts you do not know the circumstances leading up to this event so therefor I FEEL YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO JUDGE THIS INDAVIDUAL UNTIL YOU HAVE THE MEDICAL QUALIFICATIONS TO DO SO.Judging this person on the hear say of another is also very wrong.

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