Read your replie dated 30th July

I can imagine that you go through a lot of powerlets, due to the amount of shots you fire through your skip...sorry I mean Skiff.

Why don't you make a nice necklace with all the shiny spent ones and give this to your better half
she will love you forever and will let you go to Thordell as much as you like.

P.S Are you too shy to post your e-mail
<img src="" alt="Smile" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:--> <img src="" alt="Big Grin" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:--> <img src="" alt="Wink" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:--> <img src="" alt="Wink" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->