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Thread: My permission letters

  1. #151
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Jackel View Post

    Dear Sir/ Madam
    Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is XXXX XXXXX, I am a XX years old air gun hunter living in the xxxxxx area. I am writing to you concerning any pest control problems you may have on your farm and farm buildings.

    There are many species of pests including:

    Feral Pigeons: In areas close to towns they may use nearby farm buildings and lofts for a night-time roost. Ferals carry lice and their excrement is both toxic and disease ridden including tuberculosis, encephalitis, lyme's disease (pigeon fanciers lung) paratyphoid, ornithosis, toxoplasmosis, and a type of flu. All these diseases are potently fatal they also cause untold crop damage.

    Rats consume and contaminate feed as well as chew through electric cables and nest in the walls of buildings, silos and water tanks. They also carry a pretty nasty disease called Weil's disease which is life threatening.

    Crows and magpies: These animals carry lice and a host of other parasites, they damage the nests of songbirds, by raiding the nests and eating the eggs. Crows have also been known to attack newborn lambs.

    Rabbits can dig up your paddock causing holes which stock may injure themselves, they can also burrow under the footings of buildings causing them to be unstable. Rabbits have been known to consume considerable amounts of feed laid out for stocks in paddocks.

    The above lists the more common species but there are also jays, jackdaws, rooks, collard dove, grey squirrel, magpies, mink,and foxes.

    I am fully licensed and a responsible shooter, and an active member of the Cleveland gun club, I would be willing to sign a total disclaimer for any injury that I occur whilst on the property.

    I shoot with a whisper-quiet air rifle, but I also have the option of using an rimfire rifle, or shotguns, that are all able to humanely dispatch these pests safely, and especially the fox.

    I am a courteous, patient and intelligent person by nature, always willing to learn, and follow instructions to the letter. I ask nothing in return for my services other than a continuous right to hunt the property and a friendly wave as I come and go.

    I will dispose of all pests off the property and any quality game such as rabbit or pigeon first offered the property owner.

    Thank you for giving me a little of your time, I do apologise to any anti hunters I may have inadvertently sent this letter to, but rest assured I am doing my best to actively promote safe hunting and removal of pest species.

    If you are interested in my services please write to me at the address above, call me on xxxxxxxxxxx (home) xxxxxxxxxxx (mobile) or EMAIL me at xxxxxxxxxxxx thank you, I hope to hear from you soon.

    Pest removal disclaimer

    This document is to certify that ____________,of ________________, has been given permission by the
    owners of __________________________ to hunt on their property for pest species such as

    All hunting will be carried out with a _______________________________________

    And all care taken to ensure safe shooting practices whether in open countryside or around buildings and structures.

    All hunting will take place between the hours of ______________, and __________on days deemed appropriate by the owners, with a "double check " phone call made the night before any proposed hunt.

    All pest species eradicated will be removed and disposed off of the property by the hunter and regular reports on pest removal success forwarded to the owners.

    No payment is asked for in return for these services. However a signature on the following disclaimer would be appreciated to cover both parties in the event of damage to property, injury, or death.

    I, XXXX XXXXX, having been given permission to hunt _______________________, do hereby renounce and
    relinquish any claim to my personal injury; my death and whilst on the property for the purpose of pest

    Signed: ____________________ date_________________

    I, _______________________________________, having given XXXX XXXXX permission to hunt___________________________ accept all terms and conditions of this disclaimer and agreements entered
    into forthwith.

    Signed: ____________________ Date__________________

    Dear Course Manager

    It may be of interest to you that my father and I offer a free pest control service to golf clubs and to farmers, helping to remove vermin (rats, crows,magpies, rabbits, etc) discretely and quietly as not to offend, usually using standard air rifles, however,we are both shotgun certificate holders. I also hold
    a firearms certificate for rimfire rifles. We are both members of the air rifle shooters association
    with a personal liability of two million pounds.

    If you were to use our services all that we would require from you is written approval stating that we have authority to shoot on your land.

    I hope that you will give this letter consideration and remind you that a rabbit problem is a costly one if left unchecked.

    Please feel free to contact me on my E-mail address, which is xxxxxxxxxxxxx or on the above phone

    I thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

    Yours faithfully

    Tel xxxxxxxx
    Mobile xxxxxxxx
    E-mail xxxxxxxxxxx

    Dear Sir
    I am writing to you with regarding vermin shooting rights in the Cleveland area. I know that most estates have their own shooting syndicates that control the vermin. If possible could send me details or a map of
    your boundary's so as not to approach your tenants?

    Yours thankfully

    The first one I normally send to farmers, 2nd one is a disclaimer, 3rd one I send to golf courses and the 4th one I send to shooting estates or landowners

    Just chop and change these as you see fit as a template

    Sorry about the text just cut and pasted from my email folder(now altered)

    Hey Jackel

    Thanks for a very informative thread much appreciated



  2. #152
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Seems to long and boring, why go on about what the pest are doing g and how you are going to dispose them? I think land owner know what pests are doing. This would bore many farmer/landowners to tears and be thrown in the bin!
    Keep it short and simple.

  3. #153
    Jackel's Avatar
    Jackel is offline Welding guru and moderator to the stars
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    Quote Originally Posted by jayjaymozza View Post
    Seems to long and boring, why go on about what the pest are doing g and how you are going to dispose them? I think land owner know what pests are doing. This would bore many farmer/landowners to tears and be thrown in the bin!
    Keep it short and simple.

    Did you actually read the opening statement???? these are TEMPLATES to use and edit as you see fit,,,, I'm not telling anyone to use them word for word or to even use them at all... Some people have trouble composing a letter and when I put these up it was to help out anyone struggling for ideas or wording

    Use them/don't use them it's your choice but as this thread has had over 149 posts most of them thanking me for the help.....What have you done to help the shooting community?

    I did see they have been shared over on the muppet fourm and I've been slated as normal.... broad shoulders and spoken about by people that don't or will ever matter so crack on lads
    The impossible I do immediately, miracles take 24 hours..


  4. #154
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    Somebody comes up with a Plan and then ...

    ..great idea these Letters of Perm....need some to apply for our daft new Licence when they can afford to buy the paper , the printer and the ink for them

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thanks for the template! It's certainly well written

  6. #156
    Join Date
    May 2017
    i tried loadsa farms/lad owners round here all said no,i was gutted no permission so i had a idea.i went back to my nearest farm and said to farmer ill do 1 day a week labour on his farm for free in return let my shoot couple times a week,he said very kind offer but dont need no help,gutted again i turned round to walk away and he said but you can shoot on my land,dont bring nobody with ya dont shoot partridges or pheasants and no dogs.that do me i thought champion lol.just a idea for anyone else wanting permission,offer farmer or land owner 1 days work for nowt.

  7. #157
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    Gillingham, Kent
    Quote Originally Posted by robhw97k View Post
    i tried loadsa farms/lad owners round here all said no,i was gutted no permission so i had a idea.i went back to my nearest farm and said to farmer ill do 1 day a week labour on his farm for free in return let my shoot couple times a week,he said very kind offer but dont need no help,gutted again i turned round to walk away and he said but you can shoot on my land,dont bring nobody with ya dont shoot partridges or pheasants and no dogs.that do me i thought champion lol.just a idea for anyone else wanting permission,offer farmer or land owner 1 days work for nowt.
    Well done Rob. That's what's needed. Think outside the box.

    You'll find once you get one others will follow.

    A couple of weeks ago my farmer called me to say the cricket club wanted their rabbits gone and was I interested? Does a bear sh*t in the woods? He took me to the club, they gave me a key and said "don't bother with letting me know, just come when you can". The following week the farmer gave me a name and number saying the land on either side of the cricket club says you can shoot but you have to meet him first. That's the way it goes sometimes. I do feel for all you guys trying to get your first perm. Nil desperandum.
    CZ 527 in 17 Hornet. Anchutz 1417 .22lr - Rapid Mk2 .22 fac @ 28ftlbs with BSA barrel
    HW100KT .22 @12ftlbs - RWS Scimitar .22 @ 12ftlbs - AA S200 .22 @ 12ftlbs
    Archer NV

  8. #158
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by toxo View Post
    Well done Rob. That's what's needed. Think outside the box.

    You'll find once you get one others will follow.

    A couple of weeks ago my farmer called me to say the cricket club wanted their rabbits gone and was I interested? Does a bear sh*t in the woods? He took me to the club, they gave me a key and said "don't bother with letting me know, just come when you can". The following week the farmer gave me a name and number saying the land on either side of the cricket club says you can shoot but you have to meet him first. That's the way it goes sometimes. I do feel for all you guys trying to get your first perm. Nil desperandum.
    nice 1 mate good stuff,i was buzzing when farmer said yes cos its on my doorstep n 2 o go no transport,theres not much to shoot at my permission av been 8 times daw 6 rabbits 1 squirrel which i shot,plenty woodies but in countryside woodies are nervous compared to woodies in ya garden,these woodies in countryside you stand on a twig and the woodies fly away,but am out in the fresh air with me gun no worries about the law,if i shoot owt its a bonus if not ah well least am out with me gun :-)

  9. #159
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    Gillingham, Kent
    Quote Originally Posted by robhw97k View Post
    nice 1 mate good stuff,i was buzzing when farmer said yes cos its on my doorstep n 2 o go no transport,theres not much to shoot at my permission av been 8 times daw 6 rabbits 1 squirrel which i shot,plenty woodies but in countryside woodies are nervous compared to woodies in ya garden,these woodies in countryside you stand on a twig and the woodies fly away,but am out in the fresh air with me gun no worries about the law,if i shoot owt its a bonus if not ah well least am out with me gun :-)
    Exactly the right attitude to have.

    Those woodies will teach you fieldcraft. The more spooky they are the more canny you have to be. Leaving shotguns aside there are two stratagies to perfect. The first - they are opportunist feeders and will feed on whatever is in season at the time. Look out for where they are and make a really good hide with nets and foliage making sure they can't see you from above as well. You can try decoys. A fake nest with eggs in and a fake magpie for the corvids or some plastic corn cobs (I have some that are really good even close up) for the pigeons. Open a tin and sprinkle some kernels around to keep em busy. Above all keep absolutely still and quiet.

    The second is to wait for them to come home to roost. You can only do this if you have fairly tall roosting trees obviously. If this is an option then look for the droppings under their favourite trees. Not so easy when the trees are in full leaf but still doable. If you're shooting in trees remember to work out your distances properly. Gravity only works on the distance to the bottom of the tree. Your fangefinder might tell you it's much further to the bird but don't do it.

    Good luck.
    CZ 527 in 17 Hornet. Anchutz 1417 .22lr - Rapid Mk2 .22 fac @ 28ftlbs with BSA barrel
    HW100KT .22 @12ftlbs - RWS Scimitar .22 @ 12ftlbs - AA S200 .22 @ 12ftlbs
    Archer NV

  10. #160
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by toxo View Post
    Exactly the right attitude to have.

    Those woodies will teach you fieldcraft. The more spooky they are the more canny you have to be. Leaving shotguns aside there are two stratagies to perfect. The first - they are opportunist feeders and will feed on whatever is in season at the time. Look out for where they are and make a really good hide with nets and foliage making sure they can't see you from above as well. You can try decoys. A fake nest with eggs in and a fake magpie for the corvids or some plastic corn cobs (I have some that are really good even close up) for the pigeons. Open a tin and sprinkle some kernels around to keep em busy. Above all keep absolutely still and quiet.

    The second is to wait for them to come home to roost. You can only do this if you have fairly tall roosting trees obviously. If this is an option then look for the droppings under their favourite trees. Not so easy when the trees are in full leaf but still doable. If you're shooting in trees remember to work out your distances properly. Gravity only works on the distance to the bottom of the tree. Your fangefinder might tell you it's much further to the bird but don't do it.

    Good luck.
    im canny good at fieldcraft,also i can make a woodie call with my hands,i hide in the woods make calling noise then drop woodies from tree tops lol,its quiet good worked loads times.i need silencers on my guns though,im using hw99s at the mo great gun but twangy,you have 1 shot and then the wood is empty as everything has heard you fire n flies away,so ill have to invest in silencers.

  11. #161
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    hi what sort of success have you had with the letters cheers

  12. #162
    Jackel's Avatar
    Jackel is offline Welding guru and moderator to the stars
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    Quote Originally Posted by louiethedog View Post
    hi what sort of success have you had with the letters cheers
    There is no hard and fast answer bud

    I used to have 5 places i shot over now down to 2 due to time constrains

    I never intended these to be a been all and end all letter but a template for people to chop and change for themselves
    The impossible I do immediately, miracles take 24 hours..


  13. #163
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Newton le Willows
    Perfect. Just what I as a newbie was looking for.Nice one.

  14. #164
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Thanks for sharing.
    Some good pointers in there

  15. #165
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    The single wood that I have permission to shoot in has resulted in me being granted permission to shoot another nearby wood and some meadows. I am very happy.

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