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Thread: jump on the band wagon

  1. #1
    jimbogriff Guest

    jump on the band wagon

    when dose this whole brocock thing come in to play , and dose owning a brocock make it any easier to oblaitn a licence

    and whats the cheepest brocock you can get!

    i hope you all catch my drift as ive had an idea
    <img src="" alt="Wink" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:--> <img src="" alt="Big Grin" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->

  2. #2
    gary_cooper Guest
    and I am sure it will be a "cunning plan". Each time you post an image springs to mind..

  3. #3
    draftsmann Guest
    <img src="" alt="Big Grin" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:--><img src="" alt="Big Grin" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:--><img src="" alt="Big Grin" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->

    Always a pleasure to see Mr C doing "subtle"

    Adrian <img src="" alt="Wink" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->

  4. #4
    gary_cooper Guest
    and likewise always nice to learn from your erudite posts Adrian <img src="" alt="Big Grin" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->

    Good to have you back !

  5. #5
    shadow11ray Guest
    So, co's I've a Brocock, they give me a class 1. It can't be that simple <img src="" alt="Roll Eyes" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->

    Ray <img src="" alt="Cool" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->

  6. #6
    cliveward Guest
    I dont think its as simple as that or makes it easier.

    It's not difficult to get a section 1 as long as you:

    Have no criminal record.
    Are of good character and can provide references to this.
    Can provide security for the gun(s) and ammunition you wish to purchase.
    Can state good reason for owning the said gun(s).

    Best good reason is target shooting. Join a club. Shoot with club guns for 3 - 6 months. Then apply for your FAC.

    A word of warning and advice. Many FAC holders, due to the recent pistol ban, see the Police as infringers of their rights and in general have great distain for them. This is a huge mistake. The firearms officer is usually a civil servant and just want to do their job in the best way they can, within the guidelines set out to them by their chief constable.

    Their job is to stop dickheads having guns. So if you aren't a dickhead and are responsible then you have nothing to worry about.

    I have always been very courteous and friendly to the officers I have dealt with and I get on very well with them.

    On the single occasion where my requirements conflicted with the chief constables guidelines, rather than having an argument with the firearms officer (it's not his fault and if you act like a knob head with him...this will be passed on and put in your file for his reference and for the reference of all future firearms officers who deal with you). I simply said that I really need this bit of kit for a certain task...who shall I write to? A quick letter to the Boss lady in the firearms dept. and problem solved. Permission granted for said bit of kit.

    I recommend that if you want to shoot firearms...go for it. The more people who shoot...the better the chance of the sport surviving.

    Also if you do shoot firearms. Be proud of it. Tell everyone you come into contact with about your hobby. Be an ambassador. Remember that as an FAC holder you are among the most trusted members of society.



  7. #7
    jimbogriff Guest
    thanks clive

    just out of intrest what was the said peice of kit


  8. #8
    cliveward Guest
    Moderator for a centre fire rifle.

    At the time it was policy to refuse. But I had good no problem after a quick letter.



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