There has been a fair amount of differing opinions, among the forum members, as to the pro's and con's of black powder and modern substitutes.
Most advocates of the modern alternatives cite the ease of cleaning when using these powders.

I have no wish to use modern substitutes, I bought a 130 year old rifle with the intentions of shooting B.P.

I have had all the quips from all the knowledgeable Nitro shooters on the range.
'You want to pour boiling water down that mate, cleans it a treat'. Thanks for that Sir, have you a kettle in your bag, and can you show me where I can plug it in?
'Don't know what you're messing about at mate? you just want to P*** down the barrel'. I won't repeat my reply to that one.

At first I tried black powder solvent. Works a treat, but a tad expensive and strips the finish from your woodwork faster than nitromores.
I soon found out that B.P. solvent is little more than ethylene glycol (anti freeze). I tried it, it works as well as B.P. solvent, it's far cheaper, but still pulls the varnish from your stock. Even if there is a residue on your fingers, your fingers melt the varnish, and stick to your stock.

I started to carry a canister of 'Builders Wonder Wipes' to clean my hands before handling my rifle. Marvellous things they are, they remove paint, silicon, solvents and dirt. They also remove black powder and ethylene glycol from your fingers.
It wasn't long before I began to wonder what the effect might be on a dirty rifle barrel. I put one in my pull through, and dragged it down my barrel, it came out filthy. I pulled another one down which came out clean. I dismantled my action and peered down the barrel, it was clean and bright and ready to go again.

I now use these wonder wipes between each detail, on the range. My rifle is ready to shoot immediately, and a pull through before leaving the range, leaves me very little to do when I get home.

Black Powder, messy? not for me.