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Thread: Tomahawk

  1. #1
    Marianillo Guest


    I have a FAC .177 Webley Tomahawk. A few days ago the barrel slipped from my hand when cocking it and now the barrel is visibly bent upwards.
    I´m looking for a replacement barrel right now.
    I also own a Webley Stingray deluxe carabine that has a very short barrel with a little muzzlebreak. I added a long Venom silencer to it and the lenght of the rifle is very adecuate and the balance is preety good.
    I wonder if there is a short barrel like the one on the Stingray that can be installed on the Tomahawk. Do you know if such a thing is available? If so, where?.
    Thanks gouys in advance.

  2. #2
    Tomahawkss Guest
    Webley did do a carbine version of the Tommy as on my Venom one, so I would suggest a call either to Vemom or Webley. I do believe that bent barrel may be straightened.
    regards Andy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Goring on Thames
    There are a lot of companies that straighten the front forks on motorbikes, I would think they could help you. Try a Google search, or just ask in your local shop for a company near you.

    Other wise there is the "put it ina vice and do it yourself" technique as demonstrated in AGW a couple of years ago. This sounds like a joke, but will probably work just fine - what have you got to loose ?

    Roll the barrel in a flat surface and with masking tape note the location and direction of the bend, and it's just common sence from there.


  4. #4
    Marianillo Guest
    Thanks TomahawsSS. I´ll call Venom to see what they have.

    Gren, I´ll try that too. I think that buying this think in .177 wasn´t a good idea from the beggining, but lost for lost I can try to straghten it up menawhile I get the .22. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Isn't a short barrel Tomahawk the Longbow?

  6. #6
    byhsu Guest
    i hear the longbow was the carbine version of the tomahawk. but is best to check with webley to see if it will fit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Near Wimbledon, SW London, or Lusaka, Zambia
    Longbow has a shorter stroke than the tommy (and also a shorter cylinder IIRC ?)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Goring on Thames
    Marianillo, you have mail. I have a cunning plan for you to get a brand new 0.22 Venom bull-barrell at a reduced cost


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