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Thread: Memories of Mick

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Very southeast

    Memories of Mick

    Supermick was a real comedian so its been suggested we have a thread that anyone can post on with their memories of him

    I remember first meeting Soopamick at Bisley BBS meet in 2000, he was enjoying himself immensely meeting all the people he had only met virtually before that day, he had one of his infamous Crosmann "Ratcatchers" with the 3ft barrel "upgrade" and was blatting the 55yd knockdown with regular monotony, lending it to anyone that looked remotely interested

    Another that springs to mind was Mick with his beloved Alfa hitched to his Caravan, surely the fastest bit of towing known to modern man He also did a mean breakfast

    Theres lots of other things that spring to my mind but I am knackered and cant decide which to post

    I am told that any happy memories posted about Mick may just put a smile on Jennys face in this very difficult time

    Accuracy is everything!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Sunny Llanelli by the sea
    Dont mention the Alfa Baz Sparky and myself had a lift with Mick from somewhere on the M4 to LV one day, as it was our first trip there and he did'nt want us to get lost. I think my knuckles have just about recovered and had the car not been written off some time later would probably still have had my nail marks on the dash . He was'nt what you would call a slow driver.

    He also had a soft spot for treacle pudding as we found out at the little Welsh foray at Parc-le-Breos. He often got reminded about that and his eyes would go all glassy as if in a day dream about it

    And what are we going to do this coming Stright season

    Last edited by kev hughes; 23-07-2007 at 08:51 PM.

  3. #3
    baxterbasics Guest

    Forget The Alfa:

    My finger prints must be permanently engraved in the Dash of his Mercedes Not to mention the "Right boot" scrape marks on his carpet

    Mick "Bloody down hill racers"
    Me "Er,how fast are we going now?"
    Mick "95-Don`t worry-loads left yet"
    Me "Gulp!"
    Mick "Got Him!!"
    Me "Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezussssssss!"
    Kellie in the back seat,somewhere "H.h.h.ow m m much further Mick"

    We left Pirbright at 6.30 and arrived at the game fair at 6.35

    The first time I took him to Bisley with me,I took a variety of pcp technology-Anschutz,Daystate etc. I offered him the use of one,he gave me a look of derision,whipped out his trusty Theoben Break Barrel and embarrased us on the 55 yard resetters

  4. #4
    The Doctor is offline It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to
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    Feb 2002
    I have a couple memories of Mick - a few I am sure the HFT lads will remember the one year he turned up to Millride to set his caravan up 'on level ground' - then disappeared half way up the field to start his own encampment:-)

    The next year, Nev had been given specific instructions to make sure that no-one parked in the lower end of the field because over night rain had turned it into a bog; Mick appeared, Nev turned his back, and low and behold, Alfa and caravan were my relief one of the lads turned up to retrieve him from the bog, but not until his car was covered in the best top soil in the Midlands. I was in tears when Mick got out the car - and lets just say he had some choice words for me....but he soon saw the funny side of it.

    Will miss you mate,

    Please tear carefully along the perforation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I never knew Mick well. But the way this thread is going some of you posts will go well in his euligy ( Spelling )
    Something for 2013 .

  6. #6
    Kingplinker Guest
    How about my christmas message to the mods >>> clicky <<<

    Mick used to crack me up in between bailing me out of trouble on here


  7. #7
    Gary C Guest
    Sammie and me in the car heading back from Quarry and I see Lee G in his caravan. We overtake and I say to Sammie - pull in to the services I'm going to moon the git when we go past him again.

    We pulled out after a van, I was just getting them down when I saw Micks face in the car window.

    He seemed quite stern then so I was a tad relieved not to have shown him my "stern"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Very southeast
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    How about my christmas message to the mods >>> clicky <<<

    Mick used to crack me up in between bailing me out of trouble on here

    Actually I quite like the improvement Mind you looking at it again I certainly do look like my dad, and he was 97 at the time!

    TDs looks like a bit "Afro'ish" and Mick looks like David Ballamy
    Accuracy is everything!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I met Mick at LV, I think it might have been the first meet. I played with one of his Super-Ratties most of the afternoon, and then his .25 mercury. Spent the next few months pestering him online about modding ratties and ratting with .25. A more approachable, helpful and friendly bloke I have never met. Another time he posted me a load of pellets of varying types to try in my new gun. I've been away from the BBS for a long time, and lost touch with Mick, but I'm proud to have called him a friend.

  10. #10
    steven is offline Whist - it's the new rock'n'roll, innit?
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    Mar 2004
    I remember having breakfast at LV with Mick and Terry D.
    Having differing views on the issue of armed police, a debate ensued, drawing the finest dry wit both had to offer.
    It was like Hinge & Bracket with top drawer comedy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Leeds - not so grim tha knows
    A few that spring to mind:

    Him leading the 'February Revolution' at LV and laying the foundations for the development of the club.

    Roping me into the committee when I couldn't think of a 'no' fast enough, and then buggering off & leaving us to it.

    Him making me and JDP present and then get a vote for every single change to the then LV constitution - it took about an hour!!

    The numerous Ratcatcher modifications, when I saw it I thought 'Oh yeah, right' but the he then proceeded to hit the 65 yard bell 5/5 and delighted in telling all the Mk3 owners how it cost 1/6th of their rifles.

    Doing HFT with a .25

    Him, Derek and possibly Ron taking the out of Simon (sorry Simon!) by arranging up a dead rabbit in a munching pose and then collapsing in giggles as Simon stalked it, bopped it and then looked confused as it didn't fall or run. The story got funnier with each telling

    Most of all I'll remember his kindness to new and confused shooters on their first visit to the club / a meet. He went the extra mile for people he hardly knew.

    There's a nice photo of Mick on the 'news' section of the club website - thanks to Warby for sorting it


    El Sec

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2000
    I too have done the Alfa seat-grab, all the way to Lea Valley and back.

    "What's the matter, Tel - surely you're not nervous?"

    "No Mick, I'm not nervous, mate. I am, however, absolutely bloody terrified!"

    "You want to see someone about that, Tel."

    "I'd be happy just to see my family again, if it's all the same to you, Mick!"

    "Well why didn't you say you were missing them? I'll get the old foot down and have you home in no time."

    Oh yes, thanks to Mick, my pants know the colour of fear.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Roger's summed him up for me in this sentence.

    "Most of all I'll remember his kindness to new and confused shooters on their first visit to the club / a meet. He went the extra mile for people he hardly knew."

    He didn't really know me, but made me feel like I'd known him for years.

    He set standards for us all.
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  14. #14
    baxterbasics Guest

    Midland Game Fair:

    Mick bumped into an old friend at the Midland last year. He was at the fair with his wife. Due to physical problems,he was using one of the show provided electric carts. Due to an electrical fault,the cart was barely able to move. Mick pushed his friend around most of the fair-this act of selfless generosity will be one of the enduring memories I have of him
    Oh yeah,when I sugested he let me push,as he was too old(),he told me to "Bugger Off-you cheeky young sod"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Baz, you capped a few off in your opening post, but..

    the git jinxed myself and Ian (Acenorth) twice on the trot to such an extent I told him to go fornicate off and had to translate the scouse equivalent from Ian Mick and I share(d) a distain for prone shots, and on more than one occasion didn't bother, his 60yd standing shot on the squirrel with his .20 Fenman at Quarry and the look on his face will stay with me....... As will the ribbing Keith (GH) got when his beloved Axsor went OTT at a shoot, the only problem was that Mick and myself did not get a piccy of Keith using my Rapid.

    Oh by the way I overtook Mick twice in his Alfa, both times in my Landy!!!!!

    Oh and everytime I go to Weston I'll be waiting for a voice to come over my shoulder saying 'can you believe what he's charging for that ?'
    I'm telling you it moved!

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