In my kit I carry,

A decent capper that holds 100 caps - far far easier to use then the straight cappers that only hold 10 or so, and it never drops any. Straight cappers seem to drop half the caps. With this I can reload quite quickly.

A pair of needle-nose pliers for removing any spent caps that are left on the nipples after shooting.

A lolly stick for ensuring the caps are firmly in place on the nipples - don't be tempted to press them on with the pliers (if you just seat with the capper then you won't have the cap hard on the nipple, and a lose cap is asking for misfires).

A loading stand to hold the pistol vertical while loading the gun.

A flask to hold the semolina filler.

A bag of dry-lubed wads - far less mess than using grease.

Plastic food box full of lead balls so they don't escape.

Bag full of plastic vials with pre-thrown charges of H777.

Safety glasses - I cannot stress enough you need these. I've been cut on the face a few times this year from flying bits of cap and you really don't want that in your eye.

And thats it. I can happily shoot 100 shots in a 2 hour session with this sort of setup.