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Thread: crow shooting: can it cure depression

  1. #1
    TX Sniper Guest

    crow shooting: can it cure depression

    goin off crow shooting in a bit, mainly to keep my mind off smoking. I gave up today, its bin 4 hours and counting.
    somebody kill me
    I cant take it anymore, the crows will suffer, yes my precious they will, he he he.
    Ne way n a serious note , is there any other way to draw the crows to you other than calling them, i normally use a shotgun, but i thought id see if i could get good results with an air rifle.

    in need of nicotine

  2. #2
    Kev. (Cambs.) Guest
    Best time is early, (just after day break) as they are reluctant to leave the roost.

    Alternatively, set out a couple of crow deeks and you'll soon have a mob heckling the plastic interlopers As the birds will still be flying this second option is S/G only I'm afraid.

    Trick is to very very cammo'd and very very still. If I'm specifically out for crows, I'll wear a full gillie suit (realtree brown), perfect for standing in amongst the leafless trees.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    south yorkshire doncaster
    crows come well to decoys.

  4. #4
    Kev. (Cambs.) Guest
    Start scope'ing your nearest rookery, the time for culling branchers is fast approaching

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cheesy Cheddar, Somerset
    Quiting smoking is easy!
    Ive done it loads of times
    They said you can't polish sh*t.. well mine's chrome plated

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cheesy Cheddar, Somerset
    Originally posted by Kev. (Cambs.)
    Start scope'ing your nearest rookery, the time for culling branchers is fast approaching
    Dont agree with shooting branchers.
    They said you can't polish sh*t.. well mine's chrome plated

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I need of nicotene! If out hunting don't forget to wear a camo patch!
    Good luck mate not the easiest of things to do.
    People said smile things could get worse, so I smiled and they did!

  8. #8
    Rupert Guest
    wus a brancher then?

    Out this morning after pigeon, had I been shootin fer s**t I wouldn't have even gottun a wiff!

    Saw loads of Crows and Rooks but left 'em waiting for the other b****rs - so, today;s daft question is "Are they good eatin?"

  9. #9
    napier Guest
    brancher= young rook not yet left the nest but out on the branch
    i love to roost shoot the crafty beggers...local land fill is absolutly covered during the day ...i would estimate some 10+ thousand birds at some stages...the sky is black with them just b4 sunset...they split into gangs and head off in differant directions.. i followed the biggest group to there roost some five miles away ffrom land fill....haggled the land owner as to my insurance and illuminated recticle...which helped....and presto many a bird has fallen into the one dot above center and suffered the price....and they just keep coming.... :-)

    ps i have not got time to light one b4 another one bites the dust....

  10. #10
    Kev. (Cambs.) Guest
    Originally posted by Dave Willy
    Dont agree with shooting branchers.

    Groundstaff at the local golf club don't agree with the rooks ruining the green when digging up grubs....
    . that means.......
    less branchers = less adult rooks/crows = happier groundstaff

    We also have a landfill site next door to golf course, therefore the trees on the course are 'black' with the winged vermin.

    Sorry if it upsets your sensibilities, but shooting branchers is an effective method of controlling the local population.

  11. #11
    napier Guest
    Originally posted by Dave Willy
    Dont agree with shooting branchers.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Ashford, Kent, UK

    Please repeat that, in English.

    Many thanks


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Originally posted by cliveward

    Please repeat that, in English.
    And sober.

  14. #14
    napier Guest


    yeah well few bevvies did nt elp...hic

    an old early sunday summer morning sport...harmless fun....cept for the crows...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cheesy Cheddar, Somerset
    Shooting them as "Pest Control" is fine. But shooting branchers for pleasure really makes me a little sick
    Everything deserves a chance at life, be a rabbit or a rook

    They said you can't polish sh*t.. well mine's chrome plated

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