the thing that worries me with these feats is that they don't usually give data, no drop figures in MOA Mils or anything, the scopes on the rifles are not adequate for that sort of work and no one speaks of WIND DRIFT

even if they turn down the magnification to get a wider view to hold off, then you can maybe hit a door but not bottles. the groups are already big enough at that distance so you need a fine aiming point.

a 2 mile/hour wind full value at 170meters is already enough to put me off the 12" plate and a 2mile/hour wind is nothing, its that wind that you barely feel on the hair of your ears. At 4mph the wind starts creating that bubbling sounds in your ear which disturbs you a little.

the nice thing about long range shooting is to put the pellet there with 1-3 shots. more than that and you should be doing something else. I expect anyone serious on his long range to have the elevation correct from the 1st shot and be slightly off for wind assuming the wind is blowing up to 6mph. the ones that empty a mag just to get there are a long way off.