pretty much agree with everything said here.

the ret is fine, and i thought upon initial tests that i was going to struggle with it a little...but then i had to remind myself i was shooting at night...although floodlighting does help somewhat, the gloom takes over on a black target with a grey kill.

Swapping directly back to an MTC and Falcon though i could see a difference immediately under these conditions. For a start, the Leup is significantly brighter (by a noticable margin)...and the clarity is better, you can pick out details that just are lost on other scopes (like a splashed mini kill zone in shadow...or fine splits on the inside edge of the kill)

And although I was losing the ret on some dark targets at night, i lost them just as much with the other scope, and at more ranges. The Leup does seem to have a shade more depth of field, but then it could just be it's clearer over more of a range...hard to tell without testing against a chart. What is for certain is that I dont struggle to get any HFT ranges in clear view, and thats with paralax set around 30-35 yds.

Giving it a test in a couple of HFT shoots, i perhaps lost the ret 2-3 in the pooring rain in dark woodland in winter...but in good weather in woods i never did, no matter what colour the target was or where it was.

I really like the hollow centre to the ret...

Its a big stretch money-wise over the other scope's i've mentioned...and that's something to be considered. You probably are into the law of diminishing returns here in comparison, but that's like every other piece of high-end gear.

Optics, build, performance, even under challenging conditions is something this scope excels at...but i'd like to see another reticule to see if the offering can be bettered to remove what could be the only blemish for some.

The more and more i shoot with the scope, the less the reticule bothers me...some things perhaps just need a little time (its the first tatical ret for me, and i've been used to mildot or 30/30 before).