Iron Plate Action Shooting is probably the UK's fastest growing gas powered pistol sport. It took over from Steel Challenge when we sadly lost our 'real' guns'. The competition involves the shooting of several stages where five steel plates either 8" or 10" and set out at varying ranges and different but challenging layouts need to be hit and each sequence is timed. Each stage is shot 5 times and the slowest of the times is discarded, the remaining four being your score. It's fast, it's furious and most of all, it's fun.
The Sleeping Tigers SC which administers the sport is holding a competition that is open to all-comers on Sunday 30th March at Sywell range, near Northampton. This will be a 6-stage match with a minimum of 150 rounds and registration will be from 9 am for a prompt 9.30 am start. Tea and coffee are available in the clubhouse and hot food is available on site. The match fee is only £12 and for total newcomers (who will need display a club standard of competence) equipment and even pistols can be provided.
For details of the range go to
For gossip from 'insiders' and extra info go to
For specific information on IPAS as its known try - and finally for specific enquiries you could try me by PM on this board or, better still by e-mail on
Why not try it? You'll find some of the friendliest people in the shooting world.