If you have a junior section then there are also several other govt schemes that can yield funds aimed at getting youngsters to participate in things. Talk to your local town hall for advice, funds for these schemes are limited annually so you have to get an application in early.

Several major companies do a match funding schemes, you need to have a member of your organisation who works for such a company. Essentially they will match the amount of money raised elsewhere from another fundraising effort (not another grant though !!).

First step is to get your memebers to enquire with their employers to see if they have any such schemes. DHL for example have branches everywhere and do have a scheme, so thats a starter for you.

I have raised about 2.5K in the last 18 months for my air cadet squadron just using grants with another £600 or so in the pipeline for this year and £1500 for next year. And we still have the lottery to apply for when we move buildings.