I'd like to share with you an email from DTSGB Secretary, Rosie Hughes. She sent this shortly after I'd called her to tell her that we'd like to help her people at the Stoke Mandeville range.

Hi Terry

I've just about stopped blubbing everytime I think of your phone call. (but I do blub at very happy as well as sad things) I ended up coming home on the excuse that I needed my phone charger but really I wanted to let Keith know and I knew I wouldn't be able to get the news across on the phone!! My only concern is time scales - our main fund raising for this is the Game Fair and that isn't till the end of July so any materials etc that need paying for before this would be a problem. So we may have to delay things a bit until we have some 'dosh in the pot' (but not the bit about having a look at what we need)

Thankyou loads for all your help



Now, it's my wish, as I'm sure it's yours, that whatever we can do for the DTSGB should not strip their funding in any way - mainly because they need every penny as it is - so I'll be looking at funding options for materials we can't blag...erm...'obtain via sponsorship'.

Irons are in fires and I'll be back.