DTSGB is, indeed, a registered charity, number 1050338.

Our preliminary inspection, yesterday, revealed much of what we already knew, in that getting the roof sorted is the priority fix. More leaks had caused pools of water in the range and until we get this problem resolved there's little point in doing anything else. Once the roof's done, though, we can really crack on.

We now have internal and external drawings, a list of projects/improvements, and we're calculating required materials. Estimates for the roof-sealing job are also under way, plus various explorations of funding options. In short, we're rolling, but there's plenty to get organised.

Thanks to the lads who came to the inspection party on Saturday, and I know you were as affected by what you saw as I was. When Rosie introduced us to her people, she said "These are our angels." Call me a bit of a softy, but I think I had something in my eye at that moment.

This is a big project, but a do-able one. We'll need to do at least two week-end work sessions, possibly more, but what we could do achieve will make a priceless difference to the disabled shooters. The airgun trade is already pledging funds and the momentum is gathering.

More news as we get it.