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Thread: accupells .20

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    accupells .20

    has anyone else heard that theoben do not reccomend
    accupells in their rapids if so y is this
    just the local gun shop said not to use accupells as theoben do not recommend them

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I looked on the Theoben web site and some guns ie SLR98 is recomended shooting premeirs..

  3. #3
    jayson Guest
    My Sirrocco is 20. and i'm not an excelent shot but these are superb in mine

  4. #4
    Snapshot. Guest
    Presumably they tried to sell you Premiers instead? Look at the price difference between Prems and Accupels - there's your answer...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Near Reigate, Surrey


    Have just picked up this string.
    When I bought my Rapid 2 FAC in 2001, it came with a warning label from Theoben not the dealer- saying, and I quote:
    'WARNING Do not use Crosman Accupel. These pellets are causing many problems in some batches. Use H & N Trophy.'

    I am reading directly from the label which came with my rifle. It is an accurate quote including the mis-spelling of Accupel (should be Accupell)
    As I use BisMags or AA Fields I didn't enquire any further at the time.
    Hope that helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Near Reigate, Surrey


    I should add to my above post that the label referred to a .22 Rapid so I am not helping at all am I?
    Going back to sleep now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Tooting, South London
    I hope Theoben or Bengarzy pick up this thread. I'd like to know why Accupells have been singled out as bad to use in Theoben guns and not say, Milbro Caledonian?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    cambridge england
    The Crossmans of both types caused major problems when I owned Theoben, the problem was caused by a variation in the lead alloy (to much antimony) and this caused serious leading in the rifleing which was a factory job to remove or the barrel could be damaged if not.
    Regardless of weather these pellets are good now or not it took so long to correct (no recall) we actively discouraged their use and this still continues today as most of the people involved in all the warranty work are still their.

    Ben Taylor

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    castleford/west yorkshire

    accupells wouldnt use em if they where free

    i wouldnt use them if they where free,found them to be rubbish in most of the guns i have owned.a lot of pellet deviation in the sizes and they are dirty
    cheers lads

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