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Thread: Wasp shooting

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Brough E.Yorks
    Quote Originally Posted by thaijamie View Post
    i had bee,s trying to make a home in my house , they were going in the cavity , where some cement was missing , i must have sat for hours , blasting them with my S&W at the time great fun , hehe
    Are no creatures safe?
    hehe I did a rather large snail today very messy indeed
    Ummmm....... Who's gonna get a slug first????
    UBC Secretary & Web-Manager
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  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Picture Rocks, Confederate Territory of Arizona

    Talking Bug Wars

    Here in the Sonora desert... we have wasps 'n bugs like nowhere else. Look up 'Tarantula Hawk'. The text will prob'ly say somethin' like 2-2.5" long... HA! That must've been a baby. 'Got 'em here 4.5" 'n as thick as yer middle finger. Most powerful sting of any insect in North America. 'Guy down at Uof A wrote a paper on em. 'Said it was similar to bein' in the bath 'n throwin' an electric heater in the water. 'Only thing you can do is lay on the ground 'n scream for 3 hours. Nice. My wife's skeered of 'em... big time. Now 'n then they'll land... (fast flyers for their size... ). Some have red wings 'n some black... same critter. I've clocked 10 of 'em wih a Crosman 1200 BB pistol up to 15' 'n 3 with a Daisy 'Red Ryder' carbine out to 25'. 'Just blew 'em in half.
    'Got yellow desert wasps that land in the pool for a drink. They do this regularly. Periodically I'll whack 'em with a BB... which is no easy feat 'cause they're really fast 'n I think they can see it comin' at 240fps. These are large wasps... painful sting. (Everything here bites or stings...even the plants.) The big ugly spiders... 'same thing with size. I spotted a Wolf spider one nite next to the pool... HUGE monster! Body was 3.5" long 'n about an inch in diameter. I got a shot off from the patio table with the BB pistol... 'took a leg 'n knocked it about 6" sideways but it held it's ground. 'Got the flashlight... 'Could see it's shiny green fangs (about 3/4 inch) workin' above it's many eyes. I put the pistol ''bout level with the concrete 'n pulled the trigger. Took off a fang 'n most of it's 'face'... 'knocked it in the pool... dead! Then... 'bout a month ago... out on the patio... I spied a rather large 'hairy back' Scorpion... Big bugger... maybe 10" with it's tail extended... but it had it up in the attack position. I had the Daisy handy... Again laid the barrel on the ground (almost) sideways 'n pulled... Put the BB thru it... but it started to run. Hit it again... Stopped it but not dead. Finally... it went under the porch 'n faced me... those claw things wavin' around... tail at the ready. I 'aimed'... shot it in the head... sparks off the concrete. The monster was finally vanquished.

  3. #18
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    Brough E.Yorks
    Sounds like fun in your part of the world.
    We dont have em that big in this country I'm envious

    UBC Secretary & Web-Manager
    THL Marksman of the Year 2010
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  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Got a big house spider lastnight with my gamo compact, it was climbing down from the roof before it popped from an air blast...

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Picture Rocks, Confederate Territory of Arizona

    More bugs...

    I'm in the pool yesterday... 'Got my straw cowboy hat on... shades... Rebel flag shorts... (from Seven Brothers Flags) 'n beer in hand... 'floatin' on my water chair... lookin' up at my palms (ahhh) 107(F) degrees... "BEE!" 'Won't go away... (splashin'). Dive outta my seat... 'turn the whole thing upside down... 'Bee hangs on. (grrr) 'Try to kill bee with pool shoe (whack whack). No dice. Bee calls for help. 'Nuther bee... outta nowhere... then wasps. The big Yellow Desert Wasps... then some black thing wasp... several smaller wasps. I'm under assault 'n nekkid! Effect a tactical retreat from the pool... grab the Daisy. "paf-paf-paf'... No joy. Grab the Wasp 'n Hornet spray (aerosol... does that count?) Take aim... "Psssshhht - Psssshhht" " Bullseye... Then a few cripples. They fly off... then return... 'pss####'... 'fall in water (sploosh). The toxins are workin'. Another wasp... 'Paf'... wasp waste scatters... BB riccochets off the concrete 'P'tow!' Total count... (confirmed) 8 wasps (various) 3 bees, 4 some kinda other stingy things.
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  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonora Rebel View Post
    'I'm under assault 'n nekkid! Effect a tactical retreat from the pool... grab the Daisy. "paf-paf-paf'... No joy. Grab the Wasp 'n Hornet spray (aerosol... does that count?) Take aim... "Psssshhht - Psssshhht" " Bullseye... Then a few cripples. They fly off... then return... 'pss####'... 'fall in water (sploosh). The toxins are workin'. Another wasp... 'Paf'... wasp waste scatters... BB riccochets off the concrete 'P'tow!' Total count... (confirmed) 8 wasps (various) 3 bees, 4 some kinda other stingy things.
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  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    i got bit in france by an ant it was about the size of a rain beetle bit me four times also the hornets are big out there , thanks for putting the pics up mate cheers paul

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Cotswolds nr cheltenham
    Shooting at wasps is a fools game. Simple as!

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Rayleigh, Essex
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Sniper View Post
    Just been reading another thread and Steff mentioned that she has shot wasps

    WASP's Aren't those White Anglo Saxon Protestants/Klansmen? seems like a good discipline to me does lamping work on them?

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by christy View Post
    Shooting at wasps is a fools game. Simple as!
    Come on it, welcome to the cool fools thread.
    Just thought, we could extend our range of targets say up to the size of House Mice? There is three of these buggers in our garden, but everytime I get a pistol out they vanish

    But the guys in the states still get the best insects to splatter.

    Having said that, we in the UK have to be better marksmen because our insects are so small and remember guys its head shots only.
    Tried a green fly yesterday couldnt tell if i made the head shot though as there was nowt left to examine
    UBC Secretary & Web-Manager
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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indiana cajones View Post
    WASP's Aren't those White Anglo Saxon Protestants/Klansmen? seems like a good discipline to me does lamping work on them?

    The Klan's got nuthin' to do with WASPS (which would be you prob'ly) 'n me. . The Klan is pretty much defunct... (good thing) 'n I say that as a rabid white Southerner. The Anglo-Saxon's denote those whose ancestry's from England, Ireland, Scotland 'n Wales (here). Apparently the MSM weenies who coined that term never heard of Celts 'n the Germans/Scandanavians don't count 'cause these MSM morons dunno what Saxons are either. (Viking Danes) 'Last time I filled out one of those gummint forms with 'race' ad nauseum at the bottom... I listed "Other" 'n wrote in 'Pictish-Celt'. My Surname is Shaw... Clan proginator Shaw-mor... 3rd son of Duncan, King of Scotland... decended from McDuff... who whacked the last of the Pict Royals 'n boinked the Kings daughter. I've got this history stuff suitcased 'n stenciled.
    A round downrange cannot be recalled

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    this reminds me of years ago,when i was about 14..we used to go on holiday to an old house,next to a railway near skegness.
    i had my dads old webley senior pistol, and we would put jam out in the garden,and sit in deck chairs shooting wasps
    GOOD DEALS...Here,post 6404

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Picture Rocks, Confederate Territory of Arizona

    BOB's (Big Ol' Bugs)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Sniper View Post
    Come on it, welcome to the cool fools thread.
    Just thought, we could extend our range of targets say up to the size of House Mice? There is three of these buggers in our garden, but everytime I get a pistol out they vanish

    But the guys in the states still get the best insects to splatter.

    Having said that, we in the UK have to be better marksmen because our insects are so small and remember guys its head shots only.
    Tried a green fly yesterday couldnt tell if i made the head shot though as there was nowt left to examine
    Some time ago...was wanderin' around with this splittail (girl) by a pond 'n there were Dragonflies all over... I had my Crosman BB pistol with me. So... long story short... I one-handed a shot off hand 'n took the head clean off this critter at about 12 feet. Her jaw dropped. Lucky shot... Hell Yes! But I wasn't about to admit that.

    Not everywhere here ('States) has really large bugs like the desert... or the tropical areas (lived in both)... but this Sonora Desert has some monsters that don't live anywhere else. 'Call 'em BOB's... (Big Ol' Bugs)... 'n they have certain breeding seasons when they swarm. Not all of 'em at the same time (good thing). So there'll be two weeks of one critter... followed by a week of somethin' else 'n so on. Palo Verde Beetle larve ate the roots outta 3 of my big Agave plants (cactus... 'same stuff they make tequila out of). These cactus weigh around 200 lbs or more. 'Hadda take 'em out with a chain saw finally, but the root base was destroyed. They just tipped over. 'Bout a gazillion of these black slug larve (big as yer thumb) were busy eatin' the root base. I left the things sideways... 'n a large Road Runner 'n some Cactus Wrens 'n Woodpeckers showed up right away 'n had a feast. Dunno how they know that... 'smell 'em or somethin'. The adult Palo Verde's are about 4-5" long... ugly as sin. 'Bout now... we've had a rash of Solpugid's (Sun Spiders) 'n they don't get any uglier than this critter. (Google 'Sun Spider' for a peek) 'Usually find 'em drowned in the pool. They kill/eat Scorpions tho... so we let 'em alone. It's 0800 here now 'n already pushin' 90 deg. F. It'll go 107-108 today prob'ly... which will bring the bugs out lookin' for water. (It gets around 124 deg F here sometimes)
    A round downrange cannot be recalled

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Rayleigh, Essex
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonora Rebel View Post
    The Klan's got nuthin' to do with WASPS (which would be you prob'ly) 'n me. . The Klan is pretty much defunct... (good thing) 'n I say that as a rabid white Southerner. The Anglo-Saxon's denote those whose ancestry's from England, Ireland, Scotland 'n Wales (here). Apparently the MSM weenies who coined that term never heard of Celts 'n the Germans/Scandanavians don't count 'cause these MSM morons dunno what Saxons are either. (Viking Danes) 'Last time I filled out one of those gummint forms with 'race' ad nauseum at the bottom... I listed "Other" 'n wrote in 'Pictish-Celt'. My Surname is Shaw... Clan proginator Shaw-mor... 3rd son of Duncan, King of Scotland... decended from McDuff... who whacked the last of the Pict Royals 'n boinked the Kings daughter. I've got this history stuff suitcased 'n stenciled.
    I believe you left out the 'Jutes' and the term Celt for the indigenous population at the time of the Roman 'Conquest' was a misnomer the Romans didnt know who they were but they looked like the Celt's who they whopped in Germany so for ease lumped us together so I guess you'd better check the spelling on your suitcase,

    Personally I'm 3rd generation East End ratbag being Franco-German on my mums side and jewish-English on my dads! Don't think the I pass the Clansman requirements!!!!

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Brough E.Yorks
    Quote Originally Posted by Indiana cajones View Post
    I believe you left out the 'Jutes' and the term Celt for the indigenous population at the time of the Roman 'Conquest' was a misnomer the Romans didnt know who they were but they looked like the Celt's who they whopped in Germany so for ease lumped us together so I guess you'd better check the spelling on your suitcase,

    Personally I'm 3rd generation East End ratbag being Franco-German on my mums side and jewish-English on my dads! Don't think the I pass the Clansman requirements!!!!

    Come on guys, lets get back to the fun stuff.
    UBC Secretary & Web-Manager
    THL Marksman of the Year 2010
    (Airgun Section)

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