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Thread: Know your target

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    colchester Essex

    Know your target

    I was out and about at my main shoot this afternoon into early evening carefully moving along the edge of a field. I'd already just managed to bag a woodie - nothing special - a blind man could have shot it.
    Anyway, as usual all the bunnies did their disappearing act before I got near them when suddenly my attention was moved to a rustling sound in the field of crops to my right and slightly below me. A drainage ditch separated the two fields.

    Carefully and slowly I took up a kneeling position and readied my gun trying to calculate the distance to the target as I melted down to the earth.
    Gaining the correct focus on my scope I caught a flash of white.
    A Magpie? Too large. Then a flash of black.
    Suddenly the view of a large adult Badger presented itself to me as it went about its bed gathering business.
    Unaware of my presence it continued taking the fresh bedding back to its den. This was down a slope into what is mainly a large rabbit warren area. Anyone who's ever seen this will know that it is quite interesting as the Badger trundles this backwards with its' front paws.

    After a while I stood up sraight and continued watching this spectacle for some moments until eventually Mrs Badger realised she had an audience and made a quick dash for her den.

    There are two things here worth mentioning further. How important it is not to fire off a shot when you can't see your target no matter how tempting it is to do and second what a privilege it is to be able to see such a magnificant wild animal.
    (Yes I know there is controversy about Badgers - Bovine TB carriers to cattle - (dubious) - digging holes and so on, but in my opinion they are splendid creatures and deserve all the protection we can give them).

    Fortunately my landowner is sympathetic towards Badgers and I know this one will have an excellent chance of being left alone.
    The downside is that I will refrain from going to that particular area now very often.

    What an interesting hobby this is. You never know what you're likely to see.

  2. #2
    napier Guest
    a simalar line what i watched with awe to which i heard alot of noise...a fox burst from the hot pursuit two muntjack deer...they just chased the fox around in circles the fox was in a poor condition i must admit (MANGE)...but i have never seen such a sight...the buck munta was trying to headbutt the fox with some success...this lasted but 30 seconds till the fox did a double take of me then beat direct line for the brambles still followed by the buck munta..never seen or heard of such thing before and i would not have believed it until i saw it..its wilder than you think...i love high chairs you see things that you would never do on the lucky that some of the land i shoot has a large deer population and the seats are placed in some great spots..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    i think my most memerable experience has to be the night i settled into a hide in a good rabbit run.
    keeping so quiet and still i heard rustling nearby and thought, hear we go.
    i watched where i knew the bunnies should be coming from but nothing. then a sniffle by my foot, a hedgehog decided to trundle by. it was so unruffled i thought it took my boot to be a sex object. needless to say i kept so still it just took no notice and trudled on in it`s own merry way.
    not much to talk about, but that was my oneness with nature.
    and if you see a hedgehog retreating, dont mistake it for a rabbits scat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    badgers are a pain in the ****, every fox set ****** holds one.
    try telling land owners you cant remove his fox because a ****** brocks in there...
    protect them my ****, the countrys over run with the ****** things, all these do gooders on a badger watch.

  5. #5
    Richie w Guest
    bedlam by name bedlam by nature!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    colchester Essex
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by bedlam
    badgers are a pain in the ****, every fox set ****** holds one.
    try telling land owners you cant remove his fox because a ****** brocks in there...
    protect them my ****, the countrys over run with the ****** things, all these do gooders on a badger watch.

    Oh dearie dearie me. Either you have a problem with your spelling or can't string a few words together without swearing?

  7. #7
    Gary C Guest
    Originally posted by bedlam
    badgers are a pain in the ****, every fox set ****** holds one.
    try telling land owners you cant remove his fox because a ****** brocks in there...
    protect them my ****, the countrys over run with the ****** things, all these do gooders on a badger watch.

    Badgers and Foxes cohabit ? with a Badger in every "Set" ?

    So, a foul mouthed tirade making sweeping statements about a subject you are patently unqualified. You will achieve the same effect by NOT posting but wearing a pointy hat with a "D" on it.

    Oh..BTW.. a Fox lives in an "Earth". Even in Yorkshire.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    your telling me foxs and badgers cant be found under ground together ?...please dont talk about thing you know nothing about. i have hunted with terriers and other dogs, lurchers , hound etc since the age of 10....thats 23 years
    yes foxs live in earths, badgers in setts...big deal.
    i have had more problems the last three years with trying to get foxs moved from their old earths that have been there years and finding out badgers have moved in and you can legally do sod all.

  9. #9
    The Doctor is offline It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    . i have hunted with terriers and other dogs, lurchers , hound etc since the age of 10....thats 23 years

    I suggest you get back out there mate, because you ain't winning no friends on here by talking that way ......whether there are badgers in the with foxes or not. Obviously when you out all the time hunting, you lose your ability to communicate with other human beings in a normal, civilised way!

    Your argument or point of view comes across much better if you dont swear and treat other board members with a bit of courtesy

    Please tear carefully along the perforation.

  10. #10
    Gary C Guest
    Originally posted by bedlam
    your telling me foxs and badgers cant be found under ground together ?...please dont talk about thing you know nothing about. i have hunted with terriers and other dogs, lurchers , hound etc since the age of 10....thats 23 years
    yes foxs live in earths, badgers in setts...big deal.
    i have had more problems the last three years with trying to get foxs moved from their old earths that have been there years and finding out badgers have moved in and you can legally do sod all.
    I am not disputing that you have hunted with those dogs. I merely point out that your post showed a remarkable lack of intellect. Incorrect terminology, foul and inappropriate language, plus the use of totally incorrect absolutes such as "EVERY fox set holds one...".
    You say you "Can't get them moved". Sadly this again shows a lack of wit. Perhaps waiting outside the "Sett" with a rifle and shooting the fox ?. I admit that this may deprive you of a chance of seeing it, and your dogs, torn to pieces but it gets the job done.
    So the crux of your venom is not the removal of the fox, but the fact that the badger is stopping you getting your blood fix. I suggest you seek both education and therapy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    IF my swareing offended anybody, i am sorry.
    Its just that a lot of people see the country side through rose tinted glasses...look at that lovely badger, arnt those foxs nice.
    yes foxs are a great creature, im lucky i see lots of them, but never in pleasant situasions.usually after they have killed chickens or as the last time taken a pet rabbit from a school yard and torn it to shreads along with the caretakers cat.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Gary c

    Is it ok for me and you to shoot , but not for me to dig useing terriers...(mine dont get to much hammer, baying dogs not mixs )
    This day and age we should be standing together, i have been on 5 marches to keep OUR rights to shoot, hunt, fish.
    I have had the same kind of thing of a bloke at work, he fishes but would ban hunting tommorow.

  13. #13
    Pat... Guest
    Originally posted by bedlam
    I have had the same kind of thing of a bloke at work, he fishes but would ban hunting tommorow.
    Thats hardly surprising if he thinks all 'hunters' are like you .

    If you must march, do us all a favour and don't say anything or try writing any banners........

  14. #14
    Gary C Guest
    Originally posted by bedlam
    Gary c

    Is it ok for me and you to shoot , but not for me to dig useing terriers...(mine dont get to much hammer, baying dogs not mixs )
    This day and age we should be standing together, i have been on 5 marches to keep OUR rights to shoot, hunt, fish.
    I have had the same kind of thing of a bloke at work, he fishes but would ban hunting tommorow.
    We do stand together. This is a "family" disagreement as far as I am concerned. I will stand shoulder to shoulder to you in defense of your sport, period. However in this post you have gone too far and it is to the detriment of us all. end of..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    I did march...Did YOU ?

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