lionel, Glad you got it back now m8 Prove yourself invalueable

Gary, if it helps m8, a Mate of mine had a shoot specifically for Tree Rat's they were infeseted with em.
it was my mates shoot & I use to go to help get as many as possable.
He for a while prefured 177 for hunting & I hunt with .22 but at this shoot .22 did real well with PCP, but nowhere as good as a .22 Whiscome.

The tree rats were spooked as soon as they heard a shot go off, even on a quite rifle with a decent silencer & we couldn't understand why.
For a joke matie said stuff it II'l use the Whiscome & started to get results, so I then did the same thing. we couldn't understand why pcp's spooked em so much, we knew it wasn't down to us becasue it was working well at another shoot. OK it worked but it was ****** hard going trying to cover a 100 acre with a Whiscome wasn't for the faint hearted. By the time night fell & it was time to bash bunnies we were both completely knackard & could only handle plotting up.

Matie started asking questions to the shoots main contact, becasue someone was making it even harder going, even with a infesstation as big as it was we weren't getting the numbers we use to get, we'd see quite a few just going up the drive. As soon as a shot was let off & we had the first one of the day, nothing it's was weird!
It turned out the head cheif who lived on site at the gate house hated squirrels with a passion, got bit by one apparently, & when he started working there went out & got an S200 and on a daily bascis before & after work went out blasting anything that was grey & moved.
Shortly after matie & I fell out so i haven't been since,

Sorry to side track Lionel, Congrates again mate
