Fire Arms and Air Arms

I've yet to read anywhere, that Air Guns (Air Arms) are to be seperated from Fire Arms in legal terms.

There is no relation whatsoever in the propellent of an Air Gun to the Propellent in a Fire Arm.

The term, "Fire" in amaments suggests some form of ignition as a proppellent. Whereas "Air" speaks for itself.

I'm constantly dumbfounded that people in places of influence, BASC, the politicians (Home office), the police and any other boddy connected to the Fire Arms legislation Control on Fire Arms consultation. Hasn't the tiniest piece of brain that says to them, hang on a minute were concerned with Fire Arms not Pellet guns.

It's time Airguns had their own legislation. Seperate from Fire Arms.

If some one is up in front of no brain "Beak" just because their Air Gun is a piggling couple of lb/ft over the legal limit. He/she is classed the same as some drug crazed nut with an UZZI, "being in possession of an illegal Fire Arm".

Even if it's 50 lb/ft over the legal limit. It will never be a Fire Arm. It will allways be an Air Arm.

Doesn't anyone up there have a brain?

It's time Air Arms were seperated from Fire Arms in the legal sense.

Don't you think?
