THERE IS A VERY REAL DANGER HERE if you are relying upon the generosity of the police not to prosecute for holding a non licenced weapon.

A basic principle of the application of the law of the land is ignorance of the law is NO DEFENSE should you be prosectuted.

I am really angry that Tacs were banned in the first place especially as NO ONE can tell me EXACTLY how many brocock revolvers were illegally converted into firearms AND the fact that such a conversion was ALREADY ILLEGAL under existing firearms legislation. Nor could understand why CO2 was an FAC weapon if it produced an energy level below the UK legal limit. Ok they banned hand guns and gave us co2 but who is the loser on that deal eh !

I am even more ANNOYED that HMGvt has done practically Sweet FA to inform all holders of these weapons that they are now potentially facing a 5 year stretch and a criminal conviction to boot which will have MAJOR implications on your day to day life. This will range from having to declare a crim conviction to get insurances (all types) to getting jobs, credit, passport, visa's.........get my drift. All because of an uprated spud gun (Ok I know thats an exaggeration but FFS...

I agree it would be very hard indeed if such action is taken against anyone especially if the are on the fringes of the shooting community or have acquired a tac as a present or similar and it is sitting in a sock drawer waiting for the police to find it.

The point is that the individual feelings of police officers, FLO's or whoever is COMPLETLY IRRELEVANT as their opinion will not stop the final decision to proceed and apply the to its full effect.

Someone is going to get there fingers seriously burnt here and all due to the Govt's unbelievable and gross negligence.

(Gets off soap box and heads for cold shower and a pint of horlicks).....
