I find the Lansky system is great (as Thunderbolt A10 has said) if you're grinding from a non-edge or very dull. It's also useful if you want to change the "edge angle" of a particular blade.

Once I've got the edge something like with the Lansky I finish the blades by hand with a variety of stones (depending on the type of steel in the blade) then go for the final edge with a butcher's steel. The angle is something that comes with trial, error, practise and "feel".

When I want to get a really "scary-sharp" edge, the leather strop comes out to finish it all off.

The only real drawback with the Lansky system is that it's a bit pricey to start with. The individual stones aren't too bad once you've got the rest of the accessories.

My favourite all-round stone is an Arkansas white.

Have a look at Attleborough Accessories to get some idea of prices for different sharpening systems, stones and so on.
