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Thread: Ratty food....

  1. #1
    stealthgunner Guest

    Ratty food....

    Last edited by stealthgunner; 07-06-2004 at 04:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Zanx Guest
    You sure the rat didn't die of laughter?

    Hmmmm, Romford, best not take the pee too much, you're very close

  3. #3
    stealthgunner Guest


    Love to know why ZANX!!!!! and how close........ ZANX
    Last edited by stealthgunner; 21-05-2004 at 12:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Saffron Walden, Essex
    I always use fishy-smelly baits, tuna, sardines, mackerell etc, do a search (top right of screen) for "RAT BAIT" you should find loadsa info already on here.

    Never eat yellow snow

  5. #5
    stealthgunner Guest


    Cheers jb , ....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Doughnuts with a brick over it. They bring their entire families with them for that..
    Last edited by blue; 21-05-2004 at 11:17 AM.

  7. #7
    Zanx Guest

    Re: ....

    Originally posted by stealthgunner
    Love to know why ZANX!!!!! and how close........ ZANX

    Sorry, your mate's hairdo amused me, oh, Ilford.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    matlock, derbyshire, england
    i know that this sounds odd but try putting a tray of brown sugar outside the hole and burn it with a blowtorch, that usually brings them out on my shoot after about 10 minutes.

    another way is to pierce a tin of dog of cat food with a screw driver and then use that as bait, they tend to hang around a bit more because they cant get to the meat.


  9. #9
    stealthgunner Guest


    thanks for all replys guys ,, and yes ZANX i know what you mean he thinks he is the next dave beckham......,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    St Denis de Gastines France

    Rat Bait

    Try this allways worked for me:

    Chicken bits (raw)
    Leave in bin liner for a week or so (outside)
    Microwave for 5 minutes before you go
    Place bits where the rats run
    Place chicken over bait & secure with sticks
    Apply tomato sauce
    Pace back to your shooting position
    Zero your kit on the bait

    They will be out in a flash
    Let them try for a while until they feel safe
    Then Blat the *******s

    BTW I use a spare microwave in the Garage, the smell is sickening

    I used this method for Daylight shooting, best bag was 40 in 3 Hours,

    Just remember to clear away some dead ones.
    They will allways come back & consume there mates as well!

    Having said that I have not seen a Rat for 3 Months, they just

    Good Luck


  11. #11
    stealthgunner Guest


    or you have cleared that certain area that they operate in , i have a shoot on a farm/stable site , i have moved about 3 times around in different places because i had cleared the area , max i got in one area was 32 , moved to a new area and got about the same , on a new area now and im on 27 , but still very active , and all im using is horse feed , they just nosh it like wild fire , but if use something different i might attract them in masses so i know what head count i have got..... cheers for your ideas and will try this out...peter

  12. #12
    steven is offline Whist - it's the new rock'n'roll, innit?
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Rat Bait

    Originally posted by Chris1
    Try this allways worked for me:

    Chicken bits (raw)
    Leave in bin liner for a week or so (outside)
    Microwave for 5 minutes before you go
    Place bits where the rats run
    Place chicken over bait & secure with sticks
    Apply tomato sauce


    Sounds like the recipe Kentucky use !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Mid Wales UK
    What was that tip to get sandwich crumbs and tea out of your keyboard again?

    Could you warn us to put drinks and nibbles down before doing that again,


    Ogri the trog
    Improvise, Adapt & Overcome

  14. #14
    Girl Wiv A Gun Guest
    Cooking those chicken scraps sounds a bit gross, I find my rats love peanut butter, chicken corn and tuna flavour cat food. Best to use something that is not easy for them to carry off so they are forced to sit and eat the food there and then, thus making it easier to obliterate them!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    St Denis de Gastines France

    Smile Girl Wiv a Gun

    Yes that is a bit Gross, but it works better than anything else
    & I have tried all manner of baits.

    Young / Fiesty / loves shooting, Sounds like my kind of girl!!


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