Hi Gumbob

It was with my S400 carbine.

Have to say that I usually (against AA advice) fill to 200 bar, then take 1/2 doz or so zero confirmation shots before going 'live' - on either range (FT) or against real bunnies.

Certainly did me well yesterday.

Have meself a field with some 600 of the little blighters runnin amok. Took out another half dozen between 7 and 8am, including final one taken at 55 yards - well beyond my usual set limit but there was absolutely no breeze and I was feelin' confident. Didn't even twitch before falling over. Very satisfying

Six down, 594 to go.

At least, that was yesterday morning. So probably now stands at 620 to go (they're doing what rabbits do quicker than I can reduce the numbers) !!
