Originally posted by draftsmann
Nope, sorry - i don't agree.

The "youngsters" in question were certainly above the age of criminal responsibility. Criminal damage is a serious matter, especially when it involves at least one firearms offence. Little arseholes like these kids are responsible for further restrictions on other, more responsible teenage shooters. I say make an example of them, hang them out to dry....

i totally agree.
i was a kid once (am 21 now) and back then, i went to scouts, where i was taught how to use, and respect air rifles, as a dangerous piece of equipment if improperly used.
i am now a scout leader, and because of whining parents, PC political ******s and ambulance chasing lawyers, we can no longer shout at, or discipline the kids under our care. thusly, they run amok and cause trouble, as the parents use us as childminders. we have no powers to stop/control the childeren we are responsible for,thanks to various government edicts, and so they leave a trail of wanton destruction. This makes me sick. i honestly think that setting the peelers on them is the best thing that could happen, cos with todays culture, it is the only way they will listen.