It all depends on WHERE you are staying. If you're anywhere near New York city, then the answer is no. Scroll to the bottom of this website ( it shows the exceptions.

In New York STATE you can legally buy an airgun if your over 18. Go into the local sports store (you mentioned Cabela's and there are more). A simple rule is if they have airguns for sale in that town, you can buy them.

But, can you SHOOT them in whatever town you are staying? If you are staying in a town, that town may have ordanances that prohibit the "discharge" of the airrifle.

So, it comes down with where you are staying (which city/town).

If you're close to upstate NY, you might even get in an FT shoot as they will have a match while you're there (9/20, 9/27 @

And no, I'm not in NY. I'm from Virginia about a 10 hour drive south..

Chuck Jordan
Richmond, VA