Hi new hear but not new to spring guns.
I have looked through most of the old threads, very interesting.
I am confused by the no no of silicone oil for all airguns as I have used silicone oil on spring guns for a long time on piston washers as have a lot of professional tuners, look at the v-match instructions Steve says to put a light coat of silicone inside the piston seal to aid fitting. I know its not around the seal but still in the gun.
I admit that I don't use silicone now but my ten year old HW80 has been dismantled 20-30 times and I have put silicone on the seal all but the last two times, so the silicone must of wiped of on the pressure bearing part of the cylinder before I painted in the moly grease behind the piston, but my 80 is still as smooth as you would get.
But if I am wrong and we can all be wrong my favorite 80 is a write off along with a few more.
Can anyone put my mind at rest. Barry ps. yes I have seen Ben Taylor's thread