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Thread: Spring Pistol advice

  1. #1
    BigEars Guest

    Spring Pistol advice

    Aaaahhh It was like Christmas at 0800 this morning when my HW45 arrived (bought on here in a rush of blood on friday).

    I've only been shooting it 2 handed and at 0.22 (AA fields) but after the smoke from a bit of early dieseling cleared, some fiddling with the sights and exploration of the trigger feel, I was hitting in the black on a standard 10m target. The whole feel of the gun is totally different to a PCP which I usually shoot and was wondering if the recoil, which is quite addictive , required the gun to be held in a particular way to give optimum accuracy.

    I was surprised by how accurate the pistol is running at full power even in my hands. If you don't have one, get one now.

    Any advice on .22 pellets for target use would be gratefully received.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Stevenage, Hertfordshire
    Quote Originally Posted by BigEars View Post
    Aaaahhh It was like Christmas at 0800 this morning when my HW45 arrived (bought on here in a rush of blood on friday).

    I've only been shooting it 2 handed and at 0.22 (AA fields) but after the smoke from a bit of early dieseling cleared, some fiddling with the sights and exploration of the trigger feel, I was hitting in the black on a standard 10m target. The whole feel of the gun is totally different to a PCP which I usually shoot and was wondering if the recoil, which is quite addictive , required the gun to be held in a particular way to give optimum accuracy.

    I was surprised by how accurate the pistol is running at full power even in my hands. If you don't have one, get one now.

    Any advice on .22 pellets for target use would be gratefully received.

    My 2 cents of advise about the grip is, don't give it a 'white knuckle' hold

    Firm enough to keep it stable, don't try and fight the recoil, let it ride.

    Assuming you're right handed.
    Right hand 70% of grip
    Left hand 30% of grip
    A slight forward push with the right hand and a reward pull with the left hand.

    This are great pistol and can produce excellent results. There will be days, however, when you can't hit a barn door with it

    Enjoy your new purchase.

    Good luck, Phil

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Glad to hear you got one. Excellent guns and the recoil makes it even more fun to shoot.

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