Quote Originally Posted by mattg558 View Post
Can't wait for the next meet as the last one was such a fantastic day, really was a pleasure to spend a day with all of you fine people as I'm sure it will be once again.

As it's already been said, if you're considering attending the meet I personally would say join us for a fantastic day out and meet some genuinely nice people. If you don't own a pistol to shoot there are plenty around and people are more than happy to let you have a shoot, I was lucky to shoot many different pistols that day and was hoooked !

Hope you're all keeping well and looking forward to seeing everyone once again, with the hope of obtaining another trophy and see if someones spoon collection grows.


Hi Matt

Thanks for your kind words.

Yes it won't be long before its here. Hope you get some trophies again, I might do some camo Knive & Forks as the bobby prize, that way your dad will have a matching set (sorry Rich)

Look forward to seeing you all again.
