Quote Originally Posted by himself View Post
Hi John
25 teams thats Tickety boo,and it will make for good competition.How many shooters are there in total[25x3=75]?.
Regards John F.
Hi John
Yes its looking pretty good
We may end up with 30 teams of 3 = 90 shooters plus any reserves

In our club we try to nominate a couple of new club members as reserves for each discipline if possible. The reserves shoot a set of practise cards for each round and can step in and shoot the competition round cards if a team member has problems(holidays/illness etc)

The practise cards are marked by the club and enable the reserve to get into competitive shooting and establish an average for the discipline.
This is recorded/stored on our computer for future competitions or when his services are called upon to replace another team member
The reserve can shoot for more than one team if necessary (but not in the same round)
If his average exceeds the average of the team member he replaces (very rarely)then the appropriate adjustment is made by the competition co-ordinator to maintain fairness to other teams. So it is important to establish accurate averages for any reserves as soon as possible