Quote Originally Posted by mattinlondon View Post
My 2 cents worth...

Yesterday was the most fun I have had at a HFT event

Twice I had to stop what I was doing and wipe away tears and recompose myself before attempting to hit a blurry target.

I know Charles pushed his Tena lady all the way yesterday as he was giggling like an eight year old with me

Great shoot, great course, great company, great burgers! Thanks Aunty and all you Oakies!

75 people there I beleive?

Real shame we get the few complete to$$ers who have to spoil it somehow, you really need to get a life, another hobby or a job and as the Grannie on Catherine Taite says;


And for the tw@t that thinks if shooter A allowed 1 milldot, shooter B should also allow 1 milldot 3 minutes later you realy need to take your head out of your ar$e and try sailing on a sunday morning..

Anyhow, as I said, just my 2 worthless cents ..
That better not be aimed at me or we will be having some words Matthew

The current system is flawed, anyone & his dog can see that.