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Thread: Ruger old army

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Ruger old army

    Anyone any experience with their old army shooting low? Iv got the 51/2" barrelled one with fixed sights so theres no adjustment to play with. Have tried increasing and lowering the powder charge with no real improvement settling on 18grns of swiss which is comfortable to shoot and holds a nice group all be it about 6" lower than i would like. "Group" being reletive to my shooting ability. An experienced friend recommends filing a bit off the front sight which makes sense but wondered if anyone on this forum had had the same problem. Tim

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Filing the foresight is the accepted way of making a fixed sight BP revolver shoot higher, but IMO you might find it shoots higher if you up the charge somewhat. 18gr of Swiss is a pretty low charge - I shoot 30gr equivalent in mine and it's a tack driver at 20 yards with ball.

    Just a thort, is all.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Hi Tac. Have loaded some 20, 22 and 25 grn charges up and will try them out this sunday. Would rather use a light load if i can but will have to see what my particular gun likes i suppose. Tim

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Ashford, Kent
    I found 30 grains still to be light and the most accurate in mine.

    It may lift our POI, but youhave to remember that fixed sight B/P revolvers, eith muzzle loading or cartridge, (a la Colt SAA) are made with particularly tall front sights. This is because once the favoured load is found, the front sight blade is filed to bring the POI up, with the desired sight picture.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Leyland in darkest Lancashire. HERE BE DRAGONS


    I had problems with my .44 shooting way off until I (eventually) realised that the problem lay in my trigger control (and poor eyesight).

    The heavy trigger caused me to drag the gun down and off to one side. I sorted it by ignoring where the balls went in relation to the target. Instead I concentrated on a smooth and steady let off.
    Once I'd got that mastered I found that I was on target (ish). Still got the eye problem to contend with.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by lilguy43uk View Post
    I had problems with my .44 shooting way off until I (eventually) realised that the problem lay in my trigger control (and poor eyesight).

    The heavy trigger caused me to drag the gun down and off to one side. I sorted it by ignoring where the balls went in relation to the target. Instead I concentrated on a smooth and steady let off.
    Once I'd got that mastered I found that I was on target (ish). Still got the eye problem to contend with.
    I think i know what you mean. I know i have a habit of pulling the gun down sometimes when i pull the trigger. The Ruger trigger is really nice but it seems to be something i do with my Long barrel revolver and my Rogers also. But not the LePage though for some reason. Ill get 5 good shots then i pull one and hey presto, 6" lower than the other shots. Another thing iv noticed is that when im looking down the sites towards the target my eyes dart between target and sites so neither are in focus. I have to put the gun down and look away for a moment which seems to clear my focus. Must be getting old!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Croydon, Surrey, England, Earth, The Milky Way...
    With 35grns of 777 mine shoots slightly high but groups very well. I've run it with 45grns of 777 but it get's a bit "stingy" after a while and 45grns overpowers the indoor ranges extractor system quicker too after 2 cylinders full you can bearly see the target and have to wait for the smoke screen to disperse.
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