Following on from Bozzer’s post on an earlier post of Kingplinker’s today (a post which I have copied below for your ref etc), I have started this thread (obviously ), as really do want to get things back on an even keel … Please therefore have a read.

Quote Originally Posted by bozzer View Post
Sorry Gareth .. don't agree. Most people do their chatting/discussing in the main section. Something as big as the World's HFT deserves as much space on the main section as people want to give it. A lot of people may not even look at the other section and will miss threads.

HFT is a vast part of this site and by the same rules you may as well say we are going to have a different section for people who want to discuss a problem with their CO2 gun because most people on here don't shoot CO2. Same with all other minority threads.

Up to the Mods as always though. Just my opinion.


Hi Boz,

As promised am back and will try to answer your very coherent and polite post (cheers). First, as HFT and FT are the main sub 12ft.lb air gun sports, it makes sense to have threads relating to them grouped together in a suitable section rather than dispersed liberally among an array of threads about problems with CO2 guns and "which is best, .177 or .22?" threads. I do hope you can see this and agree ... ?

From what I have seen over the years, with the odd exception, most discussion etc about the two disciplines as detailed has taken place on aligned events threads in the events section we are currently in. This has always brought complaints from folk about seemingly unfair bias regarding the bumps this affords some threads over others, as keeps some events listings near the top of the page beyond their time.

This then brought about the new bump rules. These rules removed the all important banter that accompanies said event threads however, but as the old system meant the potential for an unfair advantage regarding bumping could not be returned to, the "Shoot Results, Club News & Banter" sub section (this section) was introduced for just such interaction and chat.

During the 48hr gap between the introduction of the new bump rules and the creation of this banter section though, it was suggested that threads on HFT etc could be posted in the general section. But as said sub-section is now up and running, as stated, surely it is better that all related threads are grouped together in the one place -- especially as complaints about such threads in the general section were already starting to come in hourly?

Somewhere between a rock and a hard place is where I found myself on this one, but despite the grumbles of a few intransients, in the long run, I do believe moving the threads in question from the general section to this is for the best.

I will concede however that Cliff has a valid point regarding the worlds though, and as such, if someone wants to craft a coherent thread on the subject and post it in the general section as a one off (with maybe a link to this section ), I will happily leave it there, and endorse it, and ensure it doesn't get bogged down with derogatory posts from those who don't want to see it there. Is that fair?

Lastly, scutter has also made a valid observation that the name of the main events section that this is a sub-section of, doesn't automatically transmit HFT or FT to the browser. This I will talk to my fellow mods about, and see if we can't change this section's name slightly to suit .

That’s it. Thoughts please, although I will continue to delete any posts which are abusive, as have no time for such posts, or for the rude and belligerent egomaniacs that post them. Atb: G.