Hi Morgan....Its a repairable item, but the only downside is you have to use an alloyed filler rod with a high resistance to cracking, to get the best mechanical results and to ensure a permenant job...I would use something like a CastoTIG 45612 W filler rod.....its a nickle alloy, which means the weld will not take a blueing solution.....The process to use is tig welding, and the cracks should be perfectly clean and degreased, and butted up tight...the barrel is blanked off with metal tape, as are the cocking slot and rear of the cylinder, plus all screw holes....you feed argon down the barrel and put some pin holes in the tape at the back to let the gas escape under control, thus ensuring the back of the weld joint is protected from the atmosphere (contamination!)....the weld should be right through the wll thickness, and will need cleaning out......this is also a pain as the threads need to be redone.......If it is welded, and the weld does not penetrate through, it will crack again in time. A different way would be to make a shaped patch and cover the cracked area, but this obviously would detract from the appearance and value.......depends if you just want it as a shooter.