well what can i say? ive just walked in from an excellent evenings shooting (well straight from the pub actually!) with jennie and the milky bar kid.
we started shooting at about sixish on the woodland course which upon entering i suddenly realised that the canopy of leaves made it a lot darker than the exterior would lead you to believe but in high spirits and feeling on top form i thought "this baby is mine for the taking"! oh how wrong could i be? firstly i was completely hampered by my company!
oh what a misery the milkman is and as for molly the club mascot its gonna take weeks for my wounds to heal!!
as if that wasnt enough for some unknown reason wobbly and dave allam decided to shoot together and as theyre both a pair of branstons we got stuck in a massive traffic jam behind them. as the sun dropped out of the sky and the darkness fell aboput us (about 9.00pm) i thought "i know ill have a quick cheat while nobody is looking and stick my illuminated ret on".
MISTAKE!! the cobwebs and fingerprints inside the scope glowed with a piercing red radiance which left my retina scarred for life! i gave up with my gun/scope combo and nabbed the milkmans setup which i must say was far better than mine (even though he had also cheated and stuck his i.r on too!) i managed to blag the last few targets with his gun and thought that id shot well with a solid 54. "its deffo in the bag" i exclaimed! no kin chance was the answer as darren limpet or somesuch had come in with a totally unimpressive 58.
58 i tell you in near pitch black. impossible. anyway after being pipped at the post or peg one as it turned out we all decided to retire to the boozer (other than ian harford who is a complete whimp) and guzzle copious amounts of lager in great company and listen to complete llox from the milkman about people being sucked through jet engines and surviving etc etc.
all in all a fantastic evening with great company and i cant wait to make my come back.
thanks jennie and m.b.k for shooting round with me and well done to darren on a very very shady 58.
cheers all.