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Thread: UBC Meet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Thumbs up UBC Meet

    Well, we have just arrived home and I would just like to say WOW, Thank you, to the organisers for putting on such a great day, to the ladies who provided the catering, to the Horse...yep, who gave up his box so we men had somewhere to pee and to everyone we met who made us so welcome and the day so enjoyable.

    Some people may say I hadn't been very successful, I wasn't good enough to bring home a trophy for winning...or even a (very fancy) Wooden spoon for losing. I would have to disagree, I bought home one of the best trophies any person could wish for....Some great new friends and great memories.

    It was great to meet you and THANK YOU in particular for taking the trouble to bring your BTAS converted HW100. What a beautifully sorted rifle! What with BTAS' internals and Neils barrell, I've just got to get me one of those

    So, great day out at a great location with great company.

    Thank's again one and all
    He who dies with the most toys wins. Flying, shooting, fishing and sports cars, what more could a man want.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Thumbs up UBC Meet

    Delighted you all had a great time,its what good clubs are all about...mike...
    PS hope to join U 1 day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Saffron Walden
    It was a cracking day. Well organised and a real friendly bunch of people. I didn't win either but at least I didnt get a wooden spoon

    The venue was great and the food laid on was very unexpected in so much as it was fantastic.

    I loved the IPAS, what fun that was having never shot it before.

    Thanks to everyone who made me and Josh so welcome and I look forward to the next one

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I second everything said, I had an excellent day, met a load of fabulous people, cant wait for the next one as well. Thanks very much to all that made this day as good as it was, your hard work was much appreciated.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    North Bristol outskirts
    Yep, a truly great day out. I think we have a few new devotees to the IPAS discipline, such good fun that. I'm sure I saw Paddy having more than one go.

    Many thanks to Paddy and all the girls for the organising and to Jason (Cookie) for being so helpful and ensuring everyone got to shoot.

    It was also especially nice to meet Bob and Jan. Good job there was no prize for the furthest travelled to the meet, they'd have won hands down.

    I didn't win anything, but you know, I don't care, I haven't had so much fun for ages (with my clothes on too) and can't wait to do it again. (note, must buy a repeating CO2 gun before the next meet).
    AKA Porthos, a Piskateer of Renown.
    I am a pistaholic, and proud of it

  6. #6
    Charlts is offline I'm not the Messiah, I'm King of the Creedbros!
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    Leicester, Wigston, 171.27 miles North of Calais!
    What a great day, shame I had to duck out so early but somebody had to watch the Tigers lose at my folks place!

    Great to see so many people enjoying themselves shooting and having a craic.

    Thanks to everyone who made it possible and who I met for the first time today for making the day go smoothly, especially Jase for the loan of the pistols, Pad.E for running around like a mad un, Sinead for scoring and Mrs Pad.E for putting on an amazing spread.

    Look forward to next time

    The toxicity of lead varies, depending upon the weight of its doseage and its velocity!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Thanks to everyone

    I also enjoyed today, it all seemed to just fit together.

    Everyone helped out & made it such a good day, with people lending out there pistols & taking there time out for each other.

    My kind regards

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Thanks for a superb day out!

    Turned up after a long week at work, and with a somewhat wrecked Matt in tow, and soon forgot about everything else and got stuck in.

    Lots of friendly faces, loads of great kit to admire, loads of offers to try kit too,

    I can see the steel plate shooting catching on, its great fun.

    Many Thanks go to all those mentioned in the posts above, The day just seemed to flow, which is an indicator if how much work had actually gone on behind the scenes before yesterday.

    A great event, already looking forward to the next one.

    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  9. #9
    Garry's Avatar
    Garry is offline I scrolled the page up too fast and it fell off
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    Thanks to Paddy & his family & everyone else for organising everything. I would have lost everyones names and turned up on the wrong day!

    That timed metal plate shooting looks really good, I'll have to get a co2 repeater for the next meet. Anyone know any liinks for more info on that sport?

    I'll have to get new glasses as well for next time!

    Thanks again

  10. #10
    Garry's Avatar
    Garry is offline I scrolled the page up too fast and it fell off
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    found a link

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Slough, Berkshire
    wow now how can i top the rest of what you gyes have said about the meet well i cant it was just the greatest time Ive had in a long time

    met some of the nicest people you could ever want to meet

    and man i have never laughed so much in my life

    a really big thank you to ever one i met and had the pleaser of drinking what a blast

    i really cant Waite for the next one

    all the best Gaye,s hope you all got home safe

    U.B.C Member - Beeman P3 - crosman nightstalker - walther underlever

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Stevenage, Hertfordshire
    Sure was an excellent day for all.

    The coming together of the BBS Pistolero's proved to be a memorable time.

    Too many people to express our appreciation to. PadE, Cookie and their gang of helpers. No less important was the drinks and food provided by the girls.

    Congratulations to all those well deserved winners.

    My only disappointment was in not winning one of PadE's coverted (and camoflarged) wooden spoons. One that will soon be in New Orleans as a memento of the day.

    Let's do it again later in the autumn.

    Good luck, Phil


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I am really sorry to have missed the first two meet ups. Especially cause the capn and Mrs jim were over.
    Fine weather has taken so long to arrive here and it's been madness trying to fit everything in, today alone I've taken part in a river clean up, built myself a third log store with a tarred and felt roof, exercised my horse, checked out the drystone wall I've got to rebulid tomorrow, chased sheep around three fields, gardened, and got sun burn on my neck to make a texan proud.
    Seems everyone had a great time again!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Slough, Berkshire
    Well guy's and gal's what a great weekend, I would like to thank everyone that made the trek to the meet, and those of you that didn't come you missed a really great day. After the first meet last October i thought there was no way this one could be as good. Boy was i WRONG Too start with the weather was perfect, glorious sunshine all day.

    We had more members than the last one, it was great to see some old faces again (Paddy, Helen, Sinead, Sapphire, Mike, Cheryl, Tony, Jim, Ryan, Richard, Matt, Ian) to name a few and to all the new faces it was a great pleasure to meet you all, and i hope you will all come to the next meet later this year. A couple i know won't make the next one are Jim and Jan McArthur, though i bet they wish they could. All the way from New Orleans, this couple are now experts when it come to Fish and chips it was a real pleasure to meet you both and look forward to the next time we meet. (Thank you for dinner Saturday evening)

    The range of pistols brought to the meet was amazing, and as before everyone was encouraged to have a try of different pistols.

    A Big THANK YOU has to go out to Mike - Ewok for bringing along his IPAS set up, for those of you who have never done it, go give it a try. It is great fun and very addictive.

    The Competitions them selves went really well, with just about everyone having a go at each event, again the range was just full of smiling face's as pellet after pellet flew down the range.

    As always a special thanks to Paddy for all his hard work, Helen for the excellent food, and of course to Sinead and Sapphire for all there help on the day.

    If you didn't make it this time round, please come along to the next one, you will not regret it.

    Thank you all again.


    Fancy shooting your air pistols & rifles a bit more, then guy's & gal's come visit us at the
    UBC for loads of fun competitions for all types of air pistols and rifles.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Sunny Manchester

    What else can I add?

    An absolute corker of a day, we had everything didn't we? Wall-to-wall sunshine, Helen's superb grub ably assisted by Saffy, Paddy & Sinead doing a fantastic job of running the comps and scoring, EWOK putting huge grins on so many faces with his superb IPAS set-up, Jason with his trusty stopwatch, a truly wonderful couple who'd travelled all the way from Louisiana to be with us, and so many people from all over the country who'd taken the time and trouble to travel and compete.

    A big Thank You to everyone - the day was a huge success because of all of you!

    Jim & Jan - special thanks for your wonderful company, and for dinner on Saturday night which was really enjoyable. Thank you both.

    Even the abject misery that was the four hour drive home couldn't diminish our enjoyment of a fantastic weekend - roll on the next one!

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