Quote Originally Posted by harricook View Post
Hi Dave

Hopefully TAC will come along with a better answer than I am about to give - but I'm sure 777 is too fine for a rifle I know TAC also shoots Pyrodex & not BP.

I am using either TS2 BP or 777 in my Pietta & Ruger OA & use a 'medium' (from Peter Starley) black powder in my 3 band

777 measures by vol - but with such a small grain - yua are likely to get too much oomph IMHO

TAC where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ?



Afternoom, Roy, mon vieux - yes, I DO shoot Pyrodex, but only in my revolvers - solid bullets, too, not with a whacking great hollow base and fragile skirt.

You have it absolutely right - shooting Minies, BP is all you should be shooting.

Shooting solid conicals, like a .54cal Hawken or similar, with whopping loads of around 90 - 110gr of RS is just fine, if you really have to, but I use only BP in MY .451cal BP rifle.

