If you have the reapeater version, you can take the brackets off the top of the cylinder now( two screws in each plastic bracket--Front one holds the loading plate). Cocking arm should come out of slot now. To remove barrel,undo lock nut on RHS (some models dont have this) and then tap out pivot screw----THESE ARE HARD TO UNDO so use a good screwdriver---barrel will come out with 2 plastic washers. If you want to get to barrel plunger and spring, you need to knock out the barrel pivot sleeve to do it---Do it, lube and replace. Hold cylinder with breech jaws down and push on end cap and remove cylinder end pin--release pressure and remove guide, mainspring and piston. Ive seen these with a screw on piston washer or a rivetted version. A meteor mainspring with 2-4 coils cut off will do the job if you cant get proper mainspring.Bear in mind the biggr the spring, the more pressure on the sear and these are getting hard to find now. Replace piston,mainspring and guide, push on end cap and replace cylinder end pin. Put breech in jaws and locate pivot pin (easier to do with barrel broken) and then tap it through and replace lock nut. I use a screwdriver with a gap groung into it for these jobs. GO TO NEXT POST