Stotty, folks...

Just got my cable etc and I am well impressed.

The old process meant noting down each shot (often through the scope if I was trying to work out residual energy etc).

Then, either crunching an average, then FPE etc, or writing the whole lot into one of my own was not much of an incentive TBH.

Now, for the princely sum of £30 (Stotty, I did'nt bother with the discount mate, I aint that tight), I can do the lot, straight into a spreadsheet...bosh.

The only things I would like to see on it would be the ability to record the range, and the name of the item under test being in the saved file name, but that is easilly remedied by saving as afterwards...bosh.

OK, I have a laptop, and a chrony, but the layout from Stott is still considerably cheaper and more usefull than a printer.

Seriously, this one ought to be in AGW/Airgunner as a new product, seriously usefull. I dont have any excuse not chronoing regularly now eh