lmao, yep

Its just starting to dawn on me why Santa brought me and my brother so many of these pump up guns... after a day spent frantically blasting away at a variety of targets we'd be absolutely kn*ckered and presumably have no energy left to annoy them! I dug my Daisy 880 out a little while ago and took it along for a plinking session after my local HFT shoot. I remember being barely able to get to the 6th pump,let alone the 10th as my little arms struggled to keep going. Now..... hmmmm! 10 pumps no probs, but a 45yd knock down was peraps a wee bit ambitious....ahem! I daren't try an HFT course with it; not sure which is the biggest dread, the fact I'd have pumped it 300 times by the end or that everyone around me would have tinnitus from the constant cock-pump-snap of the underlever!