It is with great sadness that I am posting this thread, and some incredulity.
Andrew Luckley, known on here as Frankie1517, passed away on thursday. I am his girlfriend and at the time we were in Scotland climbing mountains- Andrew's second passion behind airguns. It had been gorgeous sunny weather, but that day there was heavy rain and thunderstorms. Andrew and I had parted ways at the top of a mountain as he was determined to go ahead and climb another, whereas I went back down alone. He said he would meet me at our tent. He was trying to climb down the side of a waterfall and we assume he must have slipped. Well he had multiple injuries and apparently it was instant, so I can take comfort from the fact that he wasn't in any pain.

Andrew absolutely loved his airguns- at times he drove me mad talking about them. But it's nice to think he had a hobby that brought him so much happiness. He was a member of both Woodview and Thorndell shooting clubs, and loved going there as often as he could. He snuck me into Thorndell once and we spent a lovely sunny january afternoon going round the course! He let me shoot his airwolf MVT while he used his steyr, brand new at the time and much loved by him. I'm glad I got that insight into the sport and what it meant to him.

Some of you may know that Andrew had just won the GP 5 at Dunfermline on the sunday before it happened; his second ever GP. It made him the happiest I had seen him in months! He was so shocked, so pleased, so proud of himself and he didn't stop talking about it in the following days. on holiday he was constantly using my phone to check the internet and ask "am i famous yet?" -joking of course because he was always so modest. Of his win he said, well every dog has it's day. I don't think he realised how good he actually was.

I don't know how many people on here knew Andrew in real life, but he loved the BBS and spent many a night sat on his laptop reading all the threads. Which to be honest used to piss me off at times because he was so obssessed by it! If anybody feels they would like to attend the funeral, it is going to be on Weds 15th July, 1pm, at Carlisle Cemetary, followed by a wake at the nearby Cumbria Park Hotel. Both me and his family would love anybody who knew Andrew to attend if they wished. I know it's hard though as most of his friends were in the north east, whereas Andrew himself was from Carlisle originally.

Please feel free to share on here any memories you have of Andrew. I will pass them onto his family; his sister especially would love to hear them as she would like to collect everyone's different stories and rememberences of her brother. If anybody needs to contact me please feel free to PM me on here and i can give you my contact email/number.

Thanks everyone,
