Hi.....thats a teaser!......To qualify, say, as "vintage"....its seems that 25 years old is accepted by many collectors......But "collectable".....It could be that a limited production, or interesting prototype that is a year old is collectable!, There is really no hard and fast definition, most folks collect by type, make or age....ie. some may have a cut off date, say anything pre 1939, others may collect only BSA's, or Webleys, or German guns.....Others will go for interesting, unusual features.....It really is a hobby with endless possibility's (and endless numbers of guns to collect) The latter being the reason why people specialise.....I would hate to think how many different makes and models of air weapons have been made over the years, you would have to have a room the size of the Albert hall to put them in if you tried to get one of each!!....I am sorry if you think this hasn't really answered your question, but I don't think there IS a definitive answer.......of course the next post may be it, so I await with anticipation.......