Sid for all their faults (and funding issues) no-one can argue the CA haven't done a fantastic marketing job and ****** good job of presenting a positive case for hunting to the media in a very short timeframe.

Personally I can barely ride and have never ridden with the hunt yet I believe passionately that any ban would be a huge loss for our community, the CA was set up with the primary aim of fighting such legislation which personally I'm happy to contribute to.

With regard to how far they would be prepared to push the issue perhaps not as far as I'd like but I'd guess further than the airgunbbs assault weapon alliance, certainly further than the NRA and definately further than the Govt's nonsensical "Charter for shooting". In short they are one of the very few friends with influence and marketing knowhow we have.

Interestingly the other relevant organisations didnt see fit to return my calls I'm looking forward (with some concerns) to reading their submissions.
