It might be better if you had some facts prior to saying is a con.
The powder does come direct from the manufacturers - where else!!!
If you wish to import yourself then you are quite welcome to take over my business, firstly come up with:
1) Approx £95,000 for the storage magazines
2) £159.00 per week to run the magazines with ground rent, alarm maintenance, telephone line etc etc
3) £3,900 per year for insurance
Then look at the shipping costs. The last shipment of 500kg cost just over £4,900 to get here. There is only one company who has a Class 1 ship and they put a 1000Euro surcharge on all dangerous goods shipment from the 1st May this year and also increased the shipping charges.
You can only ship a maximum of 500 kilo's of Class 1 explosives whereas you can ship 3,500 kilo's of smokeless powders so the carriage charges for smokeless are a lot less but...nobody whinges about paying £60-£80 per kilo for smokeless.
I lose money on every kilo I sell but I continue to do it so you lot can go shooting & no one else is daft enough to do it.
You have no idea how upsetting it is to read the un-informed claptrap on forums.
Did anyone never think to say well done to the many guys in the UK gun trade who are going to extreme efforts to obtain stuff from around the world so you lot can keep shooting??