A bit of a follow up to the "guns of youth " thread this----Which gun/guns do you wish you had known about and bought when you were young. Criteria for this being what you could have afforded then. I wanted a Webley mk3 but they were selling for a lot 2nd hand as they had stopped making them a few years earlier. I think if I had known that they had existed, a Webley falcon would have been interesting and affordable to me. A diana 25 and/or a 27 would also have been on the cards (at that time they were on the 70,s series and didnt have much of a name round here). I think I could have run to an earlier mk1,mk2 airsporter but not sure if the pre war stuff would have been affordable. As there was only one proper gun shop nearby and Manchester Airguns was just opening up, there would not have been much chance of coming across anything other than the ads in AGW (this site has been great for me). Its strange that I had never heard of the falcon as it would have been an old gun by that time, going out of production some 7 or 8 years earlier. Over to you fellow old timers.