Same can be said for the Eliminator too, sweetest at around 25/26ftlb in .22 in my opinion[/QUOTE]

O, oh! Sounds like I have to pump up mine to above factory pressure than!
The newer Eli's all seem to settle as very low velocities, mine's around 23/24Ftp now, and its standard and not leaking..

I agree good tune is better than gasstrut. I have my Pat stock back, stockholes have bushings now, also, Maccari kit is OUT, standard spring + tight guide is IN. Welcome back!! Now replacing the bent screws and we're back in business!
Imo Pat is nót their best rifle. Longbow is more civilised design, has a nice LW barrel, no twang, no link play, and FAR better trigger..Patriot is pre-venom design, its a tool but not refined at all.., Kinda antique design..