Quote Originally Posted by dvd View Post
I have one of these and to put your mind at rest(on this one at least) it is not for sale
It does all it is claimed to do, i.e. shoot pellets with an uncanny recoiless action and accurately too. I can live with an imperfect trigger and odd-ball cocking arm and weight, but this gun is primarily about being a recoiless accurate springer.

I wanted a 177 originally but when this one came along in 22 flavour, I just had to have it, I thought the 177 barrel issue could be solved later...
And so it was, an HW 177 barrel suitably turned down from 16mm to 15mm and a bolt to fit and hey presto,my wishes were fulfilled.
Mechanically they are very strong guns and I personally find that stripping one down is not half as difficult as is often made out. The pre load is well within normal limits, it is just that one has to be methodical and use a spring compressor because the chain is under tension even when the gun is not cocked.

Hats off to its designer and I honestly think its our (springer users) loss that they are not produced anymore.
Follow this thread posted a few months ago.It has more detailed info and pics about these great guns.

Cheers, happy Christmas and a happy New Year to you and everyone on here.
Many Thanks David
How about 350 posted