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Thread: Anschutz 1416 DHB - Beavertail Stock

  1. #1
    boff180 Guest

    Talking Anschutz 1416 DHB - Beavertail Stock

    Hi guys,

    I recently purchased this as my first rifle; I've put about 400 rounds down it now and thought I'd give a short outline of the rifle.

    First of all the specs of the rifle:

    Calibre:- .22LR
    Action:- Anschutz Match 64
    Barrel:- 23" Anschutz Heavy Barrel - Not Threaded
    Stock:- Bavarian Walnut Beavertail Style
    Trigger:- Adjustable Single Stage
    Magazine:- 1x Metal 5 Round Included (10 Round Available).

    This rifle is currently retailing for £770 in the UK however, my example had some very slight blemishes to the stock from transport to the UK. These belmishes are barely noticable however as a result; this rifle was £520.

    As can be expected, the legendary Match 64 action lives up to its name with a smooth operation and quite energetic round ejection. The safety is simple and easy to operate; being a switch on the side of the action.

    I am a lefty but I believe that the bolt release would also be a little fiddly for a righty. Where most rimfires use an extra pull on the trigger to remove the bolt, the Anschutz 64 action uses a combination of the trigger and a second latch on the left side of the action which, have to be both pulled in unison whilst the other hand removes the bolt! Leaving no hand to properly support the rifle. That said, de-cocking/re-cocking the bolt for storage is a simple operation of twisting the rear of the bolt assembly which, is much easier to do than trying to operate the bolt on the CZ action.

    Initially, the action was a little stiff to rotate however, with a little oil and a few hundred rounds down it, its now like its had a few thousand rounds down it! Nice and easy to operate with a positive lock as the bolt is closed.

    One thing of note, I have had to purchase Sportsmatch extra high mounts for my Sidewinder 30 scope. I found that the lens caps which attach to the scope by a rubber ring were making physical contact with the barrel, leaving a mark when attached to the rifle with standard high mounts (56mm lens).

    The Bavarian Walnut used for Anschutz stocks is nothing short of beautiful. The colour is a lovely rich dark brown which (luckily) hides any blemishes really well. The stock is really well balanced for hunting however, the flat fronted beavertail design does lend itself to target shooting from a rest. The stock does not come with any studs however, there is nothing stopping them being fitted. Even with the flat bottom, my Harris BiPod fits really well.

    The single action trigger has a number of adjustments however, only the weight of pull can be adjusted without taking the action out of the stock. The trigger is nothing but feel and is crisp and precise however, I am finding the weight of pull is too high. I have adjusted the weight of pull to its minimum however, it is still too high for my tastes. It will effect target accuracy when rested normally however, with the bipod attached and the rigidity this brings; it doesn't seem to have any effect on accuracy. I will however, be taking it to a gunsmith to see if the trigger can be tweaked.

    Ok, I admit, I have not yet shot this rifle on the 50 metre range to see how it will hold up at the range it will be used the most at. However, I have shot it at 100 metres and 25 metres.

    I have only shot Eley Sport (sold as Target in the States) through the rifle up until now, and it does seem to like this ammunition. At 100 metres, I was shooting with a friend (who is the current club 50 metre champion) who was using a FWB target rifle and Eley Match. Accuracy wise, the Anschutz matched the FWB.

    At 25 metres, well I have attached a couple of targets, 5 shots in each. On 6 targets, I scored a 300; which I have never done before at this range with any firearm or air weapon! 5 Shot groups are smaller than a 5p piece as can be seen below.

    I am really really pleased with this rifle and cannot wait to see how it performs at 50 metres and in the 3 position 100 metre competition at the end of the month!

    I hope you found this interesting and informative! I'll update the review once I have shot the 50 metre on my birthday.

    Target 1
    Target 2
    Target 3

    Last edited by boff180; 03-01-2010 at 10:06 PM.

  2. #2
    boff180 Guest
    I took the camera with me today to the 50 metre range!

    Some shots of the rifle:-

    Note the marks on the stock from transport...

    Accuracy at 50metres, well to be honest I wasn't impressed. I don't think this is the barrel or the ammunition but due to me and the trigger. It is far far too heavy to get really accurate results but would be fine for hunting. My best group (5 shots) below.

    What was baffling and I put down to how I was pulling the trigger was this...
    Both of these targets have 5 shots in them and were shot immediately after each other... both with the same aiming point and no fiddling with the scope!


  3. #3
    boff180 Guest
    Thought I'd just update the thread.

    I've now had the trigger worked on by the local gunsmith and well, its a different rifle! She is now brilliant. Best £20 I've spent in ages.

    He had to replace the trigger spring, the factory one was "very heavy" in his words.

    The trigger pull is now approx 14oz: She will not fire with a 12oz weight but will with 1lb weight.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    very nice rifle by the looks of it
    them there springer's are soooooo addictive

  5. #5
    boff180 Guest
    Ta Joffy, certainly is.

    I was shooting some Eley Team today at 100 metres in windy conditions today and thought I'd update this review with an accuracy example.

    There are 10 shots in this target, 1 group of 5 shots (single hole), 1 group of 3 shots and 2 shots that I pulled.

    I was very very impressed considering this is 100 metres!



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